Narnia Fans Mailbag #20
We’ve just posted the twenthieth edition of the NarniaFans Mailbag. We’ve answered fourteen letters this week, covering directors, extended editions, Prince Caspian, much much more. This is a long one.. brace yourselves!
We’ve just posted the twenthieth edition of the NarniaFans Mailbag. We’ve answered fourteen letters this week, covering directors, extended editions, Prince Caspian, much much more. This is a long one.. brace yourselves!
WETA has e-mailed us to invite you to a forum blitz. Daniel Falconer, a member of the Narnia design team will be appearing on WETA’s Forums next Monday, 18 December 2006, to answer your questions and reply to your comments. […]
For a very limited time, Walt Disney Home Entertainment presents the ultimate “Narnia” DVD collection: Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media present C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe Four-Disc EXTENDED EDITION available on DVD Today. […]
The Grammy Foundation has released their picks for the 49th annual Grammy awards, and Narnia has received two nominations. […]
We’ve just posted the nineteenth edition of the NarniaFans Mailbag. We’ve answered two letters this week, covering the Mailbag and “Oh Johnny, Oh Johnny, Oh!” Keep those e-mails coming!
To celebrate its release this Christmas, ICN readers are being offered the opportunity to win one of five great Narnia Screening packs. Each one contains a copy of the four-disc DVD together with a Narnia quiz, poster and other holiday activity cards to fill your Christmas with Narnia fun. […]
Chronicles of Narnia star Georgie Henley made the switch-on of Ilkley’s Christmas lights a magical evening on Saturday. […]
TalesOfWonder.com recently purchased the remaining stock of a selection of Limited Edition statues and collectibles manufactured by Weta Collectibles. Included in the purchase are the V-Rex vs. Kong Statue (one of the most impressive statues recently produced for the collectibles market), Kong’s Last Stand Statue, Kong Deluxe Chess Set, Kong: Venatosaurus Attack Statue, Narnia: Peter on Unicorn Statue, Narnia: General Otmin Statue, Narnia: Orieus Statue and Narnia: White Witch Statue. The suggested retail value of the inventory purchased is in excess of $1,000,000. […]
The American Thanksgiving is commonly used for the start of the new movie year, and the movie studios have tallied their earnings for 2006. According to the Toronto Star in Canada, The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe came in second for the highest grossing film, earning $291,709,845. […]
Narniaweb has interviewed Henrik Tamm. Tamm worked as a concept artist on The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and is currently working on Prince Caspian. You can also see some of his fantastic concept art pieces. […]
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