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Narnia Film News

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Movie Sweepstakes

According to, they will send one educator (a full time teacher, librarian, principal, educational paraprofessional, district professional, afterschool leader or registered homeschool parent) and a companion to London, England next December as their guest at the World Premiere of their spectacular new film The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. […]

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C.S. Lewis Books

Why Uncle Andrew Couldn’t Hear the Animals Speak

In April we brought you an exclusive chapter from the forthcoming book “The Chronicles of Narnia and Philosophy”. NarniaWeb is proud to be able to present another chapter that you’ll only be able to find there. This chapter is on a fascinating topic, Why Uncle Andrew Couldn’t Hear the Animals Speak and is written by Kevin Kinghorn, a Philosophy Tutor at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. […]

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Narnia Games

Gamespot has Narnia Game Screenshots

The first in C.S. Lewis’ classic cycle of children’s book will come to life this year, both as a Walt Disney Pictures holiday film directed by the same director of the Shrek movies and (this fall) as an action adventure game due to hit all major consoles, two handheld devices, and the PC. […]

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Narnia Books

Cameras on Narnia

The book, Cameras on Narnia, features scenes from the movie of C S Lewis’ the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe to illustrate his guide of the various roles and processes which go into making a movie. […]