Narnia Pop-up Book – In Depth
At HarperCollins Childrens, they’ve added a new video feature and behind the scenes on the making of the Pop-up book. […]
At HarperCollins Childrens, they’ve added a new video feature and behind the scenes on the making of the Pop-up book. […]
Welcome to Tumnus’s Book Shelf where we review any and all books related to Narnia and CS Lewis! For this weeks review, we will be looking at Devin Brown’s
Inside Prince Caspian
The countdown to Walt Disney Pictures’ and Walden Media’s film ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian’ begins today with the release of THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA MOVIE TIE-IN EDITION. For the first time, readers can experience Narnia in a collectible edition featuring an 8-page, fold-out insert based on C. S. Lewis’s own timeline conceived for Narnia. The stunning cover artwork from ‘The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian’ movie introduces a dashing new hero-actor Ben Barnes (‘Stardust’) as Prince Caspian. […]
Hello NarniaFans! Welcome to the second and final part of “Inside Narnia with Devin Brown” a NarniaFans exclusive interview series with the author of the Narnia commentary “Inside Narnia” and soon to be published “Inside Prince Caspian.”
I especially want to thank Devin Brown for his time and willingness to do this interview.
This week we talk with Devin Brown about his books. […]
Hello NarniaFans! Welcome to the first part of “Inside Narnia with Devin Brown” a NarniaFans exclusive interview series with the author of the Narnia commentary “Inside Narnia” and soon to be published “Inside Prince Caspian.”
I especially want to thank Devin Brown for his time and willingness to do this interview.
This week we talk with Devin Brown about his background with the Chronicles of Narnia and C.S. Lewis. […]
HarperCollins Children’s Books has the tie-in rights to three of next year’s most eagerly-awaited children’s films: the new Indiana Jones sequel, the latest Batman movie and the next C S Lewis adaptation, “Prince Caspian.” […]
Both ardent C.S. Lewis fans and newcomers to the Narnia movie series are excited about the second installment, “Prince Caspian,” hitting theatres in May 2008. The first movie, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,” grossed over $740 million worldwide, and Devin Brown, nationally recognized expert on C.S. Lewis and author of Inside Narnia, one of the most popular books about Lewis’ Chronicles, offers a sneak peak into the newest story in the series with Inside Prince Caspian. […]
Welcome to Tumnus’s Book Shelf where we review any and all books related to Narnia and CS Lewis! For our first review we will be looking at CS Lewis’s
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian !
Warning! Some possible spoilers. […]
The International Christian Retail Show 2007 was held this last week in Atlanta, GA with many publishers displaying new Chronicles of Narnia products coming Spring 2008. […]
After Edmund is a band that takes it’s name from the character “Edmund Pevensie” in “The Chronicles of Narnia.” I confirmed that with the band through their MySpace page. Matt replied, “I’m glad you asked :). From none other than CS Lewis’ Chronicles of Narnia!” They are releasing their first album, in stores starting today! […]
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