Borrachero cast in ‘Prince Caspian’ as Prunaprismia
Alicia Borrachero has been cast as Prunaprismia, the wife of General Miraz, Narnia’s evil king in Andrew Adamson’s “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.” […]
Alicia Borrachero has been cast as Prunaprismia, the wife of General Miraz, Narnia’s evil king in Andrew Adamson’s “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian.” […]
Barnes has the chance to establish himself in a potentially lucrative film franchise. Prince Caspian is the plum remaining role in what the Walt Disney Company hopes will be a seven-film series. […]
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian is looking for tall black males and females to play centaurs. […]
This comes as no surprise, as filming is scheduled to start before we know it, but set building has started. Narnia creature designs have been in the works for a very long time, and should be finalized very soon, if they haven’t been already. […]
My Entertainment World has updated it’s Prince Caspian listing, but the details of which are available by subscription only. If you’ve subscribed, have a look. We cannot share the information because it is for those that subscribe only. […]
William Moseley is the 18-year-old Brit who plays the oldest brother Peter in the smash hit “The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe,” the first story in C.S. Lewis’ “Chronicles of Narnia.” After garnering great reviews and an ardent following of teen screamers, Moseley took the autumn off from his life in England to explore acting classes and wander the streets of Greenwich Village. […]
Narnia Fans Spy Thomas reports that Pippa Hall has sent out an e-mail to all those in the running for Prince Caspian. The casting process has been completed, and they have chosen their Caspian. […]
An actor is sought to play the role of Glenstorm in Prince Caspian. The requirement is for a male, aged 50+, black, preferably at least 6′ tall and of African descent, and with good upper body definition as he will be required to perform shirtless. The character is a Centaur, the leader of the Narnians. He is strong and imposing; dignified and honourable. Glenstorm is the father to many sons who fight alongside him in battle. This is the only role currently being cast. […]
This week, host Andy Filipowich is back, sharper than ever. He swaps news and views with Roger Thomas (PrinceOfTheWest) and Paul Martin (Specter) including speculating about casting calls for Prince Caspian. […]
Our Narnia spies have told us that only two of the boys that auditioned in the first round have been called up for the second round. Reportedly, director Andrew Adamson and the producers are in the UK, auditioning actors that are Hispanic in appearance and in their late teens. This would fit the story a bit more, and give Caspian a distinct feel. […]
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