New Prince Caspian Action Figure Preview: Final Battle Peter
Play Along Toys has updated their Prince Caspian section on their website with a preview of another action figure in their impressive line that will be launching this spring time. […]
Play Along Toys has updated their Prince Caspian section on their website with a preview of another action figure in their impressive line that will be launching this spring time. […]
I’ve been in talks with Play Along Toys about their upcoming line of highly detailed Prince Caspian action figures. They told me they were going to add Narnia to their website in December, and they will be adding a new preview figure to the site every week or so until the movie arrives! […]
Playthings.com continues their great coverage of the New York Licensing Show with news on not just Prince Caspian, but other Walden Media projects as well. Take a look to see what they’ll be a part of! […]
The licensing show this week has brought out news for nearly every big property as studios vie for marketing positions for both film and television programming. One such announcement is that a company called Tonner will be revealing a new Narnia collection. I’ve never heard of Tonner, but with the slate they have, I’m sure it’ll be great! […]
Thought that this might be of interest to you. A small auction hall in upstate NY is going to auction off on Sat, March 17th at 1:00 pm the one-of-a-kind handcrafted Narnia Wardrobe! […]
TalesOfWonder.com recently purchased the remaining stock of a selection of Limited Edition statues and collectibles manufactured by Weta Collectibles. Included in the purchase are the V-Rex vs. Kong Statue (one of the most impressive statues recently produced for the collectibles market), Kong’s Last Stand Statue, Kong Deluxe Chess Set, Kong: Venatosaurus Attack Statue, Narnia: Peter on Unicorn Statue, Narnia: General Otmin Statue, Narnia: Orieus Statue and Narnia: White Witch Statue. The suggested retail value of the inventory purchased is in excess of $1,000,000. […]
The Marketing Store has launched a promotion with Cereal Partners Worldwide to give away a range of ‘frozen’ figurines that ‘turn to stone’ to support the release of ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’. […]
The Lion’s Call got an interview with Kevin Eslinger, Master Replicas’ Product Designer for the Disney division. […]
We’ve got an interview with Kevin Eslinger, Master Replicas’ Product Designer for the Disney division. He created the Chronicles of Narnia replicas, found here at NarniaFans.com under Collectibles. […]
Bob Siemon Designs has announced the release of a new jewelry collection based on the upcoming film The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe(tm). The company is an authorized licensee to create official jewelry for the Disney and Walden Media production. […]
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