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ChristianityToday Interviews Walden Media’s Michael Flaherty on Narnia

Right now, the heat is really on Flaherty and Walden, the film studio producing The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, releasing December 9. Walden partnered with Disney to market and distribute the film, but Walden retained all creative control. So, if you like the movie, you can thank Walden. If you don’t like it, you’ll know exactly where to lay the blame. […]

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Much Ado About Susan

**Spoilers – LWW and The Last Battle Article also includes some more adult topics, reader discretion is advised.. thank J.K. Rowling for that** Recently, there has been much ado about Susan, the Pevensie that falls […]

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Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe Inspired Soundtrack Review

Music Inspired by the Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is a very unique collection of songs. I have been listening to this album for about a month now, and haven’t heard a compilation like this in a very long time. Not only does each song fit together to bring the stories of Aslan and the Children to light in the many songs, but it also solidifies C.S. Lewis’ intentions for the story. […]