Narnia Stories
I had A.I. write a Star Wars/Narnia Story
I had a lot of fun this week, using A.I. to write hilarious stories. I used ChatGTP and had it write a story that combines Star Wars and Narnia. I then put each paragraph into […]
I had a lot of fun this week, using A.I. to write hilarious stories. I used ChatGTP and had it write a story that combines Star Wars and Narnia. I then put each paragraph into […]
Hi, everybody welcome back to Tumnus’ Bookshelf where we review any and all books written by, about and inspired by CS Lewis, the Land of Narnia and the Inklings. For today’s review we will be […]
We’ve decided that having news, a mailbag, a podcast, a forum and more Narnia than you can handle just wasn’t enough. I was out to dinner last night, and noticed something really interesting, which got […]
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