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  • Haha thanks :D I got some pretty good reviews during my internship this summer... so... hoping for the best :)

    Awww thanks! :)

    What have you been up to lately?
    it's really not my favorite language... it's just the only one I can teach... It's actually kind of annoying because my teaching english kind of kills off other languages... and i love languages... *sigh* so I am trying to be one of those Esl teachers that shows students that their native language is equally (or more) important.

    I am going to try my best to be a good teacher :)

    grr... I hate math though... and my husband and i are wondering about whether or not I should take the CBEST and CSET so that I can get my masters... I don't test well though... and you have to pay every time you attempt the test. It's like the bar for lawyers... grrr
    hahahaha i was dead tired..... so..... we had like 2 ft of snow...... now its all gone and theres a shed tipped over.. its horribleee
    Oh I'm so glad that you adjust to pain:/
    It just sounds alot for a gun:L or an ipod, I can sort of understand:L I like my technology:D
    OH WIN!:D Ugh I hate those BB guns:L One got shot at my leg, it hurt so much:L I'm not even joking:/ I was like o_O Mydays that's expensive... I don't think I've personally spent that money before:L
    Yeah! Go see it a friend:) then you can sorta have a laugh with it:D Everytime we jumped or screamed we'd just laugh afterwards:L I wanna see if you jumped at what I did... there was only one bit where I actually had to hide my face:L And one where I sort of cowarded into the bottom of my seat before screaming:L WOO!;D
    Do you mean like when you go paintballing? If so, it always sounds reaaaally painful:L
    But I don't think I've heard of it before...
    Yeah it's good, but it seriously creeps you out:L I think it's because it was about ghosts because it's those sort of films that creep me out. Bloodthirsty ones... not so much, they're just way too far fetched:L
    night owls makes no sense seeing owls are animals of the night <_< and im trying to pull an all nighter
    Mydays that's alot.... what's it for?! Please don't tell me it's clothes.... I find it wierd when people spend loads on clothes:/ Unless it's a coat... you always need a coat:)

    During the film I think it's safe to say I probably wet myself and I screamed several times.... My friend hid behind her shoe at one point:/
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