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  • That information is classified. :cool: I will tell you, though, that you got the age gap between me and my sister about right.
    Well, you see.... I think the way a girl and a boy might when a man approaches them, and when a girl approaches them is completely different. I know girls, that if i tried to say, i would get the look that says "WTF?? WHAT A CREEP ! IM SOOO MUCH BETTER THEN YOU" and when i talk to guys its like..... "retard" I feel like idk.. I just dont feel like my self if i talk first.... I can talk to adults fine.. its just ppl my age i have trouble talking to...... children, animals, and any1 above 25....... Its like ..... What if i studder, what if i look funny, what if theres something in my teeth... theres sooo much xD
    you should see it my way...

    Im online most of the time, no1 ever calls me.... im never asked to go out doors or to hang out, ppl dont invite me when theres a party.... No boddy here likes me.. at all.. they dont talk to me, and when they look at me its a look that says
    im better and prettier then u, get out of my fcking face
    ARGH !!!! Why is life so... hard?
    I dont want to be 30 tho when i find that guy... Im super shy, and i never talk to any1 exspecially guys... and there fore i dont make many friends. Wish I could.. but i can only do it on the internet.. i mean, my mom has to tell me to walk to ppl and say hi to them... im like NO!!! Im not that person... my brother is.. he'd walk up to any1 and say hi..... and he's 8.
    But ya know... Im shy, anti social.... I studder.... sometimes
    sooo.. my dad prob acts like that because im his little girl. Its okay from him to treat me like a drunk and high slut that works in a strip club at some ghetto pub, but once i put on a pair of shorts or a tank or a lil make up all i get is ****. I can not do anything... Its like being in a ****ing jail cell. OMFG !!! GRRR !!!!! why can't i have a normal family... I mean, i have no clothes that fits.. and the most dad gives me at a time is a 100 bucks.. what am i getting out of that.. like really??? 2 tops ?? i need a whole new wardrobe and he doesnt care !!!!! Some times i wish narnia was real... I'd never go back to the real world... or any supernatural world... what ever the world, as long as its away from my house... IDC.. its like.. if i killed my self, or tried.. they wouldnt do anything about it besides yell at me and not take me to a doctor..
    CANT FIND IT !! :( !!!!!!!!!!!!

    and I just seen this commerical and ppl was like "tell me im stil lthe one, tell me im ur supper hero, tell me u miss me, tell me u love me" and ALOT more cute stuff... and now im just here like.... WHY !!!!!!!! >_< It kinda makes me mad knowing that i cant have that, and knowing i havent had that in long time......
    Valentines is prob gonna suck for me.. like legit. SUCK !!! Im dreading it.. i mean.. me and my friend dana have to buy crush things for each other... how sad is that?? like.. omfg..... when i was kid, i loved valentines.. giving every1 cards, and making the boxes to put them in... reading them.... I never had a secret admire tho>_> or got asked to be sum1's valentine.. but thats alright... i guess... Cant wait till its over !!!!!! hahahaha

    Then, it will be closer to easter :D !!! I love easter... I still find eggs with my lil bro ! :D its fun as hell and i get 10 more days off of school :) yay !!!!!
    haha, i know right... out of all things my hair, and some eye liner... he's just like I DONT LIKE IT ! DONT PUT IT ON NO MORE !! ... (me in head - JUST THE FRIGG UP U FAT COW! IDC WHAT U LIKE OR DONT ! I LIKE IT. DEAL WITH IT.)

    >_< I got pics on my phone....
    soo.. i went to my friends house and she did my hair, and makeup... and dad bitched at me... atrgh i hate him soo much. I can't do anything at all becuz he doesnt like it.. well guess what, im me. He doesnt like what i do, he doesnt like me... I can't wait till i move.. im getting sooo far away from here
    Sorry it took me awhile to get back to you. I had a midterm to study for. I'm glad that your feeling better. That is a good deal on the movies. I like the POTC movies. I don't have any plans for the weekend. How about you?
    I'm so glad! =D
    Don't feel stupid, because you aren't. You live and learn. ^.^ Well, the search box is not foolproof, because it shows you all the threads that have mentioned whatever you are searching, regardless of whether the thread explains anything. The Duffer Encyclopedia is by far the most helpful and reliable source, but if you read up on different threads, you can see the Duffer history play out before your eyes. It can be incredibly entertaining. ^.^
    It's a round estimate. I really wasn't keeping track. xP And you are most welcome. I hope it was helpful and not just funny.

    *laughs* I know what you mean. ^.^
    Haha, thank you.

    Erm, how long? Two hours...? Maybe? I did some research on Duffers, too, and I wasn't really tracking the time. xP

    I'm her older sister. ^.^

    Thank you very much. :3 Haha, not really. I don't post quite often enough for that. ;)
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