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  • Patrick,half a paragraph isn't a lot to read. Honestly in a society when emails mainly consist of "omg lol" I like to see some length :)

    Oh hey,turns out my recital is on sunday too. So we'll be playing on the same day. I need to practice my Pink Panther. I really hate my keyboard,Its easier to play piano pieces on an actual full length piano for me.
    hahaha.... so when ever u feel like you need sum1 to talk to, just send me a msg, and well figure something out..... *eats a peiceof heaven*
    HAHAHAHA we'll go see that movie togwether.. that way if i get scared.... ya know......
    ooooooooh. :O but that sounds a little... idk.... seperate.. I dont mind just talking to you ... hahaha. Theres soooooooo many movies i wanna see
    it doesnt lag like my laptop.. so yeah.... hahahahaha i am liking it.... :) ....easy to reoly to u prrtty much anywhere anywhere... is it sad i only have u to talk to on here... lol
    Look, the game threads are all sensible like that, the "Write a note" and "Corrupt a wish" and other ones like that. They're game threads, they have rules and they're followed.
    Erm, that Woman In Black with Daniel Radcliffe:S My friend's dragging me to see it when she knows full well that I'm going to wet myself. I'm absolutly terrible with things like that:L My family seem to bleeding live there:/ it's terrible:L
    :eek: BOWLING! i havn't been bowling in months... you any good at it?:D
    HAHAHAA:L you truely overestimate my 'party-ness':L hmm well not exactly friends, people i know who just say anyone can come;D my life?!:L I can't go to any of these parties:L that one got cancelled then the one on monday I've already agreed to take the rainbows to a pantomine:/ not even a proper one! just one randomly in a church:L
    erm, saturday i'm off shopping then to the cinema:L then it's my cousin's 21st so im off to the pub:L you?:D
    yes... that cerebrum we have has does function quite strangly.. does it not.... lolololol..... sorry.. refering to bio... o.o. i wouldnt exclude you if i had the choice too... lol.... you are my best friend qfter all........ hehehehe sorry about spelling... black berry
    OOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH check you out! paying two dollars for two films:L that sounds an awesome deal if you ask me!:)
    Aww thanks chicken:D +it's not creepy:L your not a creepy person wooo!;D
    ohgosh today was funny, cause I was supposed to be going to a party next weekend but the girl has cancelled it, and it turns out she never even booked the place for it, she was just getting money of people to buy herself a dress and some shoes... It was only like £1.50 per person, but it adds up! she had to give everyone their money back:L so funny
    Aww what made is rubbish?:/ i'm glad it got better:D c'mon give me the whole story of your week:D
    +yeaaaaah:L it's my twitter one aswell:D
    I've been doing pretty awesome thanks:D exams and controlled assessments are out of the way for abit, so it's all goooood!:) you?:p
    hahaha I hate when im not part of anything, its why i joined the basketball team. I feel like im part of something, and its important to me.. and im REALLY good at it. Not being part of something sucks. Dont get mad at things, i mean like.... sometimes you're gonna be excluded.. i guess being home schooled is different, cuz im excluded most of the time... but i listen in >_< its funny when ppl on the basketball team complain about it... and how we're gonna lose when the dont go to practises.
    It's a game, did you notice "the person below me" is the same letters as "tpbm"? What you do is you basically say "The person below me likes the color blue" and the next person who posts says "Yes, I love the color blue" or "no, blue is my absolute least favorite color" or whatever their answer is. It's like a true or false game.
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