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  • I GOT A BASKET BALL TOURNAMENT ON SATURDAY :D be we can still FC.. and idk how it happened... i wrote REALLY good answers ..
    no,I just suggested it and Adam said he was working on it. I wrote Paper Airplane. Sorry if that was confusing.

    Oh you got a cold? Aww get well soon! <3
    er.. monday obvs. never worked. wasn't on here.... er....... how about closer to the end of the week if i dont get grounded ???? .......... parents dont know about my 43% on my mid yr exam in english..../=
    well there's mentioning me on TurnTable and saying he'll do that Tiger song. Plus we've been emailing and tweeting them paper airplane forever. I don't know. I was more confused and freaked than flattered :D I'll just have to see where it goes. Probably nowhere xD

    yeah...NOT a football fan.
    ah a smidge. Keeps me busy when I'm bored I guess. I'm just scared he might do something at a LIVE show like that. Because then the hoot owls would probably kill me out of jealousy and also my parents would have to question WHY he keeps mentioning me(they don't know about my tumblr/twitter/tweets from Adam or anything.)

    No,I don't have cable and I really couldn't care less about foot ball. We always watch all the super bowl TV spots the day after though :D I'm not one for sports...
    I can't! She's an anon! Plus she find out we lived too far apart so she dropped it. But the point of a ship is kind of to ship things that you know aren't possible. I dunno,I've gotten too much attention lately. People are shipping me,jealous of me and a few people now want my autograph.

    hahahahahaha are you sure......o.o ... two of ubetter not talk about me while off line.....
    Oooh chick fil a! Yummy! I never want to eat breakfast. Sometimes it carries over into other parts of the day. I dunno. I try to eat because I'm afraid everyone's going to think I have an eating disorder but the truth is,I'm just not hungry.

    Yeah I've seen him. His name's logan. He's an owl city fan too. He's kind of a music snob and a hipster. The anon says they shipped us because we were "cute." I mean,he is cute but we barely talk. I mostly tease him about being a slow reader. I dunno why people ship us together. Its happened more than once. Weird...
    Thanks patrick. I am fortunate to still have all my grandparents still alive. And i actually got to meet all of my great grandparents before they died. I was too little to remember a few of them. But i still have one great grandpa living.
    i dont wanna get to focoused on that.. i dun wanna be that girl who finds out 10 yrs after a horrible mqrriage the guy i was looking for was right there... if u get what i mean
    are you feeling better today? I'm all wiggly because some anon is shipping me with another boy who follows me on Tumblr XD So awkward. She says we're cute and that's why.
    it was hectic but good. haha... not so good... we like the subsequent kisses much better... first kiss... not all it was hyped up to be by teenagers :p
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