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  • aww thanks :D

    Yeah,I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure out what he means by this. I'm suspecting a major troll fest.
    I did not "freak out". If you look back at MY original post I was merely trying to explain myself. Maybe I didn't have the best word choice but still. The only thing I actually said about you was that I thought you were being too picky about things in my banner. I would also like to point out that if you had not said I was "having a hissy fit" this entire argument would probably not have happened. I am a teenage girl. The only people allowed to say that are my parents. For future reference if you think a girl is flipping out on you don't say that...
    Now, aside from the initial posts I think we BOTH said things that we shouldn't have and only served to further complicate things. I have been under alot of stress lately. I did not expect anyone to have any idea about what was up with me and Fire and the rest. I was not trying to take my anger out on you in the first place. At any rate I never wanted a fight. I don't like to fight with people, especially not people on TDL.
    I will! Check his website www.owlcitymusic.com too. You can stay updated there but its kind of annoying.
    Oh I don't think it'll be instrumental but hey,I'm clueless XD

    YES! I'm like hyperventilating trying to figure out what it means WHY WHY WHY WHY????? WHY ME?? :D Its flattering but Dear God I think he's trolling me...
    because I gave up arguing with his manager Bursky(who's a real pain in the arse) and stopped emailing them and just sort of left it up to fans who wanted to see it happen. What if he finally saw it or something?

    Also that chat room was insanely crowded with millions of messages flooding in by the second. They were so fast I had to leave because it was crashing my computer. And I BARELY said anything the whole time he was DJing. And nobody else was mentioned but me. So I'm like going half insane wondering why I got single out in a NARNIAN WAY NO LESS!

    Ahhh My whole body is still shaking. I don't think my parents realise how dramatic this is for me XP
    yeah that kind of stuff. Definitely think that remix. I think he's going off DJs like Paul Van Dyk,Tiesto and Aarmin van buren. Those are like his favorite trance guys. Dubstep intrigues me though.
    I'm excited though because I really want to know if he did the tiger song and I wanna see the new artwork and then there's tour hype and I think my buddy Austin might take me if I can't afford it.

    YES HE WAS TALKING TO ME! I have been super shakey and nauseous because my heart rate won't settle down. He thinks it funny to give me heart attacks I swear. I couldn't eat any dinner or breakfast because I couldn't swallow.
    Because...WHAT DOES IT MEAN? He was talking about Tumblr too(the other site that I'm on.) Its a fact he was a user there and that user happened to be following ME. What if he's still reading my blog and saw my posts about Paper Airplane and called up his manager? WHAT IF HE'S TROLLING ME? :D
    I'm also trying to analyze it though because I was the ONLY one he mentioned(of 200 people) and it was around the same time he was talking about the next album. :D

    Also he says the next album will have a lot of trance,dance and a little dubstep. And it will be coming out sometime this summer. Excited?
    The chat feature was going so insane I had to leave and when I came back,everyone one twitter was saying "I'm so jealous of you! you're so lucky!" and I hadn't a CLUE what they were talking about. Turns out,Adam was announcing that his next record is HALF-WAY done and that everyone's surprised at how fast he's put it together and he's thanking everyone for coming and stuff. And THEN(he's a total narnia geek too) he says: For narnia! For Peter! For Aslan! For Lady Airplaceeee! and then he signs off.
    He had a minor typo there but the ONLY "lady airplace" in a room of 200 people was me!

    HE ACKNOWLEDGED ME EVEN THOUGH I LEFT! And as a narnia fan,you know that Peter,Aslan and Narnia being yelled as a battle cry like that is like...a high honour.
    Adam did something VERY awesome tonight! There's this site called TurnTable.Fm and you can create a room and be a DJ and stuff. Well,tonight Adam had a little sort of "online concert" there and he chatted through his avatar with us and everything and we listened to trance music and stuff. He mostly quoted movies like Lord of the Rings and Spongebob the movie but check this:
    Yes I can fc this week... n I've been busy with school last while... so illl get on more.. you're an amazing friend so obvs I wanna talk to u all the time... be easier if it was more on skype or something.. I'm always on that and msn
    sorry i havent been on... just didnt feel like it... i dont want that to sound wrong or anything.... but idk anymore.... im so confused.. i want a bf... but i want the perfect guy... not just sum1 who loves me... sum1 who made me feel like my ex did
    I have videos of Heath Frisby doing the first ever front flip on a snowmobile and Justin Hoyer almost doing the first double backflip on a snowmobile. They are postedon my youtube channel. Just click the link in my signature! Trying to get lots of views to my channel. Let your friends know!
    Second, I do forgive you because you weren't the only one at fault. I just felt all of a sudden ganged up on, and I've been ganged up on in real life lately, and I was just tired of it all. You are not a nobody; everybody is a somebody whether they want to be or not. Oh yes, and believe it or not, I hate being told I'm wrong too. ;)

    And now, I may just have a word with Mr. Sopespian; I'm kind of worried as to what he said about me. :p haha. J/k. I hope we can become friends again. :)
    I considered saying this privately, but then I thought the spat was public, so why make an apology private? Anyways...I had to wait to reply to you because I was still fuming over certain things, and I can't rightly apologize or even tell someone I forgive them when I don't mean it. I too have a sometimes harsh personality, and it does not excuse me being mean OR pushing people around. I'm old enough to know better, but I slip right back into it regardless. So, before I go any further: I hope that YOU can forgive ME for my own harsh words and tone of voice, because whether I like it or not, I have a short fuse for a temper that more often than not gets really out of control, especially on the internet when I don't have to say it to people's faces.
    sorry about how i got the other night....... was a bit childish... i feel bad... soo sorry.. n i thought about what you said
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