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  • Hey there! I was reading your siggy and (this is not in a bad way) I kinda had a mild chuckle with how you put on there that you liked girls. Thanks to it being 11 pm I am finding many things unusually funny. My name's Kayla btw. Most people call me Kay or K though.
    DUDE xD I needa check this more XD
    Migjjt chech fc in a couple of hours tho
    Its gonna ne tomorrow.. last minuyte bball.. walkinng there now tbh.. talk tomorrow
    Alrighty :) I will most likely be on ^__^ ! We have to talk about alot tonight/this evening :p haha
    hahahahahaha I love you for that :D xD hahahahahaha alright :) tomorrow night ;D
    sweet. I thought THOR was pretty good. I have a friend named Screech who's in love with Loki. I get a lot of loki spam :p
    HAHAA i kinda had a panic then:L then it hit me:)
    HAH in their crown jewels:L i find phrases like that hilarious:L someone referred to it as their 'tallywacker' the other day... i think i might have slightly wet myself with laughter:L
    +WOOO everyone likes abit a hyper-ness:D
    ohgod when you said 'kill people' i thought you ment that's what you'll be doing this week:L HAHAHAHAA:L
    HAH hell no:L i get annoyed at them, i find it hard when loads of people bump into you:L i end up just hitting people with my elbows:/ i'll be known as a violent person;D always fun:D
    +WOOOOOOOOOO chillaxing:p as you doo;D
    if love was a plane - brad paisley
    my sister's moving out soon awsell:L i'm gunna be well lonely.... just like oh:eek:
    hahaa what do you have to do on it?:D
    erm, probably go out with my friends:) go to town, peoples houses:) i was supposed to be going to someone's house party on the 31st but i can't cause my mum+dad are throwing a party at our house-.- i'm so gutted:L but the next day i'm off to a 'family party' which doesn't really bother me.... but they take effort to get ready for:/ you?:D
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