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  • I got a new iPod today :) its a pink touch nano. My old autographed one got water In it and finally broke. It was already really old :( I also found this owl bag I've been looking for forever!
    Didya get any cool Christmas presents?
    A little busy on other things but so far I'm doing great,just last week I had a cookie swap with my teen class and of coures that means lots of sugar! Anyways, my teen class might go on a snow trip in January so I might not be on during that time.
    YAYAYAYAYAYAY i can show u some things i got for christmas >_< and show u my movie ;) that i got a while back that i think you would enjoy if u havent seen it :D
    hahaha yeah, I would like that a lot :)
    Wow... that's alot of siblings.... that must be pretty awesome:) but i bet they get on your nerves... do they all still live with you?:)
    oooohh that sounds good:D exept the game... if i was a 'gamer' it'd sound amazing though:D
    I NEVER talk to my dad.. i hate it when i do.
    i hate my dad... with a passion
    Loud, depressing, got really mad at every1... I went to be 12:30 last night... woke up 12 ... dad looks at me.. YOU'RE GONNA BE PUT ON A CERFEW !!! BED AT 10:30 FROM NOW ON !!!

    I look him and im like.... WELL............ I only sleep in when im up here every other day im up by 7/ 7:30 when we're home.

    he's like.. WELL IM SORRY WE'RE IN A DIFFERENT TIME ZONE (we arent)
    yeah ! love it :D !!!!!!!! unlimited text.. when i put mins on it.. obvs :p but i really like it :)
    oh are you catholic too? For some reason I have all these catholic friends,I don't know why. weird.
    You're the second person I've talked to who's going to eat cinnamon rolls. We just ate a ton of bacon and opened all our presents.
    You have fun today! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
    well i read the 1st three u put for shure !!!
    I wanted to go to Mass today. I’d planned to go for about a week, but my parents want to go to Christmas Eve service at their church (I refuse to call it mine, I just go on Sundays because I have to.) Mass and their service was basically at the same time, and they told me since they conflicted, I had to go with them. And they seemed disgusted that I wanted to go to mass at all. It’s not like I even needed a ride; I can walk down do the Catholic church.

    I’d go to midnight mass, but I can’t drive and I’m pretty sure I’m not allowed to walk around town at midnight. Even though I’m 19. And I can’t go tomorrow because we have to go to my parent’s church and then visit family. Poo. I had wanted to see what a Christmas mass was like. My parents seemed disgusted that I wanted to go to mass in the first place.

    Oh well. At least we got to hold candles and sign hymns.

    ok, I'm done ranting. MERRY CHRISTMAS.
    I READ ALL OF THEM ALREADY ;) like... best books ever

    I want a cell phone
    Hahahahaha ! so whats one thing u want more then anything
    dude... im only an hour and a half ahead of you !! hahahahaha
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