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    Hahahahah !!! Ahyper dood
    hahahaha im off till the 3rd !! hahahahahaha looking forward to tonight !!
    the 21st, what about you !!! ?? :) :p
    hahahaha maybe you're blood glucose levels are low !! :( Thats not a good thing... did you try getting something to eat ??
    LOL love those, been like it a few days... hahahahahahaa :)
    VERY AWESOME !!! hahahaha
    HAHAHAHAHAHA NOOOOOOOOOO! Im talking about you !!! silly thing ! hahahahaha !! im in a really good mood toiday sooo XD HAHA
    hahahahaha, you're really likeable :) and kinda cute ;D for being the same as my brother, you know.. ur cute !

    hahahahahahahaha o snap to a mood on wensday XD LOL <3 who wouldnt love you
    Sweet! Do you ever just randomly learn trumpet songs because they would be cool to play? :D

    I play guitar and bass guitar and I can play chords on piano.
    hahahaha nah, not like she cares anyway, a guy emailed me some pics, and she looks and is like OHH He's cute !! haahahaha

    And what a loser are you!! hahaha, but thats sweet :) im really glad she liked it! :p

    hahahahaha, lets get moody wesday ! DX LOL
    Well I mean, a lot of people are perfectionists but some people aren't so much perfectionists about their graphics.
    hahaha i dont know.. i just loved over and shes laughing away.... xD

    and awww, really ? she liked it ?? :) thats great !!!!!!! I bet it does mean alot to her, shes one lucky girl to have someone like you... :)

    and yeah, GH-warriors of rock, im the best !!!!!!!

    hahahahahahahaha Im like.. the best flirt EVER ! then i feel bad when i put them down... n reject them DX

    hahahahahahaha i love getting ur long msg's .... hahahah im like... AGH long msg=(, OOOH from hyper, (lil smile)... i start to read it .. and im like XD LOLOL :D
    HAHAHAHA, im laughing D= ......

    anyways, yeah, you're short !!!!! :p and idt i would wanted too lol... would of towered above ya.. so yeah.. moms like reading this !!! DX and laughing at me !! Dx

    ahahahaha, and you're friends suck then... like.... really... I needa make a new xbox live account :( haha so i can play GH online :D prob gonna wait till like january... and yeah... make them .... nag them and nag them to go out and they will go out !!!

    ok.. do u like being in that mood ur self, or when ur talkign to ppl in that mood ?? Cuz i'll make an effort to be more flirty !! D:

    If you didnt read all my messages i would be really upset </3
    :D I see completely what you did and I'm really impressed with your effort, I thought I was the only one who was perfectionist enough to do things like that for a random avatar. XD
    and really tho? you never talk to them or anything ? whats wrong with them... dont make the effort if the wont hun.... its point less..... i dont make an effort... my friend never calls me...... i dont call her unless its about hmwk...... I mean seri.... these ppl r giving her a rough time... her "BEST FRIENDS" and like... she still hangs with them ? I'd i've been like celo green and sang FU !!! hahahahaha XD

    And you like flirty ??? :O hahahaha i get like that.. and if i like u enough I'll get in a mood where i just wanna sit there, smile, and want to be hugged... u seen me like it the other night >_> bit*h for making me feel like that!! hahaha....

    ANYWAY ... dont cry over silly things !! im ya best friend !! and i'll ways be here to talk to you !! :)

    and awwwww <33 you was smiling toooo ??? hehehehehehe (blush) xD !!

    but yeah, you better like my long messages !!! and read them all !!
    hahahahaha..... honest.... my mouth gets washed out.. every time i shower XD hahahahaha... xD ...

    Really tho.. like.... UGH some guys are stupid (you're not thoo!!!)

    hahahahaha i couple of months ?? bish when u hit puberty ur gonna be a fcking giant !!!! hahahahah XD <3
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