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    Im glad too !! :D im not helping u,...... anymore... :D just do 1 ! Imma love it either way
    BRIGHT COLOURS ! :D .... um.... i like alot of quotes about love n basketball, cant pick just 1... hm.... idk :p
    hahaha, anything that represents me ! :D
    Can you make me a signature ?? :S
    hehehe ;) if u want me to win !!! ;)
    LOLOL You're soo awesome ! hahahaha ... tomorrow morning i have a basketball tourny !
    hahahaha !! :D soooo how is your day going so far hun ??
    It was, i mean, he was the worst of the 4, so now its gonna be atleast more susspense ! sorry bout spelling... JUST woke up.. everything still blurry !!! hahahahahaha soo

    GOOD MORNING ! :D have a good day
    hahahaha :D yay !!!!!!! mark got kicked off , its sad
    Actually, im more of that little island to the right... but i can FC now
    NY IS CLOSE TO ME !!! and u said u lived kinda close ?? :S so i thought ... like ya know XD ..... hahahahahahaha but anyways ......

    My new bf kinda lives close to there >_>
    Awwwww!!! Thats Really sweet Patrick ! :)... Glad she has someone like you that lives soooo close !!!!!

    Soo, a guy in my class is friends with my ex, and he told my friend, that he wants to talk to me about something.. like... the other day him and his gf were calling me off, now he wants to talk to me, im not a mean person so i will obviously end up msging him, gave my friend my new email for him to send to my ex, but... Its so hard to stop loving somebody you know =/ It tears you up from the inside and rips u apart.... And he told me he still wants to met me and everything, but i dont know what i want anymore... I mean my new boyfriend is absoulty amazing and sweet, but it gets hard with my ex sending me messages.. and i gotta tell you about my mom tonight ok ??
    hahaha, im not offened actually, my mom doesnt want to get married, so its her desicion ! i cant tell her too if she doesnt want to.. she is 36 :p
    hahaha... i dont care about what anyone else things. I think staying this way till im married is the right thing to do ? Like, i dont have alot of religious faith in me... like... I lean more towards the scientic theories, but i like to keep my options open, and to have someone to believe in, that will always watch over me... and just nice when im upset to just talk to someone thats not there and will never judge.

    BUT.. nothing till after marriage :D
    hahahaha.... i guess if they're okay with it... i mean, my parents aren't married...
    yeah, a guy in my class is having a baby like.. soon, his gf has gone into labour already. D:
    WELL.. we dont have a pub. library where i live... hahahahaha its kinda like an hour drive
    SO !!!!! Im in school, and on my sencond assignment outta the 5 thats do friday, i have 2 sets of question that have been due since 2 weeks ago/1 week ago that arent done yet..... :( imma try to finsih them tonight, and yeah.... I got chem to do at lunch, while im tourtering these little 8 yr old boys ! they're the sweetest little kids ever !!! i love them !! ... Im helping them read !! hehehehehehehehehe :)

    So... I wanna read that book you said you're reading.... sounds kinda okay i guess
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