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    WELL.... i must say, it did make me smile :D
    Can you get rid of the lines ?? If its too much trouble you dont have too... It looks really nice :D
    Hi ahyperdude
    Remember in A Horse and His Boy how Aslan says he doesn't tell people other people's stories? Well in a way that applies here. But honestly I don't know since I was not involved.
    YAY !! not that i like talking to u or anything >_< ........

    I KID ! :D <3

    hahahaha you're the best person ever that i could talk to ! :) it like i dont even need to explain my self or anything
    oh well anyways ... we got wed. i hope... and... can we talk over christmas break on FC ?
    hahaha.... i use to ignore my parents when they said to gget off... now... im like glued to it :p sooo :D hahaha
    well well well ... bet i could make u cheer up if you could talk in FC for a bit :p
    oh patty :( <3 Dont be upset.. it'll be fine ! :D
    not promising it'll work but I have good chances :) I will be making so many girls jealous though...haha

    I'm glad you like Owl City though. Not too many people I talk to will get into it. I don't see why people should hate it. Hating owl city is like hating happiness. You don't hate happiness do you?
    it does. I'm mailing him a collaboration proposition in January. If his managers let me get through then we'll be making a song called Paper Airplane together. I hope it works out,the song is already generally popular with some hoot owls.
    hahahahaha IK WHAT SICK MEANS !!!!

    hahahaha :p you awesome !
    hahaha :) well.. u and ur bro do that, and give it to me for christmas :D hahahahhaha XD my present from you much ? :p
    hahaha, I trust you enough to make it look nice for me :)
    hahahaha :) It doesnt matter how it looks.
    BROOO! Well you probably wouldn't care,its a mostly girl fanbase so there's a lot of drama within the fandom. Adam went on tour(I got to see one of his shows :D) He lost his voice and coughed up blood recently,contracted 2 more kidney stones,ran a secret blog called JohnWaynePizzaParty then deleted it when we found out it was him,tweeted me TWICE saying he was going to write me a tiger song,a new song called "I hope you think of me" he wrote has been performed live but not released and everyone is still mad at Taylor Swift for snubbing him.
    HI PATRICK! Oh I've been good. I've been on tumblr and such,socializing with Hoot Owls(owl city fans) and I keep forgetting to come back here. Thanks for the birthday wishes :) I had a lot of fun. We made sherbet cake.
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