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  • Ha ha yes it is scary. They didn't even warn me gah!

    Yeah I'm waiting till I'm moved out to date so my parents and brothers aren't breathing down my neck asking me how dates went or making fun of my boyfriend. Boys do have it harder though,you have to make the dad like you and beware the shot gun!
    you spent so much time on it
    dude.... no.. its alright :) you dont have to...
    ok.. i have to renew an account.
    umm... no >_< i dont think soo
    thats alright... if u wanna do it for me... go for it?

    ahaha.. and good night hun :)
    well it depends on how early or late you want to get married. I want to get married really early because I'd hate living alone. I also want to be best friends with somebody before I marry them. That's always my ideal way of doing things but its mostly fictional. These are things that I toss and turn over about at night :p

    Yes 16 will be weird. I get my dad's ford focus when I'm 16. They gave me surprise driving lessons one night and I was so freaked out. I thought we were going to CLEAN the car not drive it! lucky for me I only hit the curb once.
    no snow !! rain tho.... and its freezing... btw ... me and that dude are talking :)
    My avi says: I am a writer. A writer of fictions. I am the heart that you call home. Its from a song by the decemerists called Engine Driver.

    Ha ha! bro we're only 14! I'm not going to any prom anytime soon,but if dudes already like me now then imagine what'll happen when I'm 16! Me and my sister are just gonna crash some square homeschool proms. I want to find a dress that looks like the one Mcfly's mom wore in Back To The Future.

    tell me you've seen that movie?
    ooh psssh. I don't have a problem with people drinking. Some of the touring crew drink,my dad drinks,there's always booze at our parties. As long as you don't get drunk,you're good. I just think its sweet that he tries to make sure all the younger fans can get into shows by banning the beer. Maybe that's why my dad didn't have a good time...

    what pic? my new profile picture? I just went shopping and I bought a flannel :)The Lyrics on it are from the Decemberists.

    Yeah my dad thinks all BOYS are punks though. If a girl is being a jerk he'll maybe say something but if a boy is being a punk then you'd better run. Some boys have started to like,want to ask me out now(which is awkward) so I'm scared of what my dad's gonna do when it's prom night. I've talked to some boys online though(like you) they're nice. I got to meet one at the show I went to and now we're best friends :D
    Yes. I'd heard about him from fireflies and I'd already been a fan but my true love and admiration for him started with that cover.

    Yes he's SUPER considerate. One time there were Budweiser signs on the walls of a venue and he kept adding things in his lyrics. Like on the Yacht Club he'd sing a verse and then yell: "MINUS THE BUDWEISER SIGN!" before the chorus. I was smiling so hard. It bugs my dad so much,I don't know why.

    My dad doesn't like Adam. Then again he doesn't like most boys I know merely because they're boys. But you're nice :)
    Hi H-Dude,
    Thanks for reminding me-- I will combine them later tonight -- Right now I am going to a convalescent home for caroling.
    hahahahaha WELL .. idk how to fix it :(
    It's *mine* the other one is my sister's.

    Yes, it was, that's why I try not to complain too much. ;)
    I got the computer because I bought it for fifty dollars from a friend, I would not have my own computer otherwise and do not intend to buy a new computer unless this one and mine both die because I have no money for it.
    That's why he's awesome. He apologizes for everything wrong in the world too! He even makes venues put special seats up for minors! He won't let alcohol anywhere near his shows. It bugs my dad but I just appreciate it so much :)

    I actually got more into him because someone posted his cover of In Christ Alone here on TDL. I am so thankful for that night.
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