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  • We might go to church on Christmas Eve (IDK, though, it's up in the air right now). If we don't, I'm going to Christmas mass (I'd love to go at midnight, but I'm not walking down there that late).

    On Christmas day, we're opening presents (and then going to church, 'cause it's a Sunday), and spending the day at my cousin's, where the rest of my mom's side of the family will be, and the next day we're having my dad's side of the family over.

    What are you doing?
    and yeah.... I'd totally be like OMG !! why thank you guys !!! They're all for me, how thoughtful ! I love you guys ! :D
    HAHAHAHAHAHA I know !!! im after having to delete so many because u can only hold 50 ... or something... so imma say 200 for sure :p

    We're soo awesome :p
    Woot! I'm out of school, so that makes me very happy. :D


    I'm super excited. I'm practically bouncing off the walls. Seriously, though, I feel like such a little kid. It's great.
    oh my god !! hahahaha we're sooo awesome !
    hahahahahaha but like they'd all be to me... instead of somebody else :p

    That would be rather mean ! :(

    OH WELL !!!!!!!!!!!
    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA sounds like something i would do !!!! :D
    Oh your brother doesn't get it? My sister doesn't like Owl City but she likes Adam. You should check out his two major Side Projects: Port Blue and Sky Sailing. Those are really great for quiet time/sleeping.

    My dad called it crap when he first heard it and everyone else insists it sounds like the Postal Service and Death Cab For cutie. It does not. It really doesn't,nobody has ears these days. The problem is they're only paying attention to the lyrics and the vocals. They don't pay attention to the message behind the lyrics or the pure mastery in the programming. Cave In has 80+ tracks in it! He crafts everyone with love and with care! Right now his music is like his baby so he puts special work into it. Its so sad only the chosen few understand that...
    I know right? I mean,there's this girl lights who'd probably be perfect for him and they're friends but she's engaged to this guy called beau(I saw her in concert this year too.)
    Its sad. Poor dude,he'll get a lady eventually. Everyone's hoping when he has kids though that'll he post videos of them. His friend andy has a daughter named Emeryn and she is SUPER CUTE! He posts videos of her doing stuff all the time. He even does his video updates with her on his lap.

    Yeah we're only about 8 hours away from each other driving wise. And whenever I tweet him it sparks a huge thing in the fandom. So he just made clear what all the hoot owls love about him AND we might be getting a tiger song! WOOO!
    ESL :) that's my specialization

    we are just staying here in Oregon in a quaint little town

    Oooo :) Cinnamon rolls, huh? That's pretty neat :)
    actually they don't. Because Taylor swift snubbed him and nobody of his social class wants him. Its sad really. We all speculate its because of his Asperger's syndrome. Tends to make you a bit weird. Also have you noticed in most girl breakup songs they complain about how the guy doesn't call them? Adam hates phones and says he's bad about keeping in touch so that's probably a turn off.
    I just don't get it. He's attractive,rich and talented! WHY DOES NOBODY WANT HIM? He's even super nerdy and sensitive and moral and christian and everything! what about him is so off-putting?
    I guess I'll find out if my Paper Airplane plan goes through.

    No,he's only tweeted me twice but I haven't gotten a conversation out of him yet. Just hoping we can collaborate,then I'll pick his brain like I used to back in the day.
    HAHAHAHA u have too get 1 gift for a person and only one person ? and they dont know its from u ? :S
    oh yeah, i forgot church... i got on christmas eve tho :) then come home open a gift.. sleep.. wait for "santa" hahahaha :)
    His most recent tweet said: all my friends on Facebook are getting married and having kids and I'm just sitting in my basement programming this new drum loop.
    So it's obvious he's really hoping his girl will come around soon.
    Poor guy.
    I always freak out though because we're super similar in interests and ways of thinking. And my mom said she'd be okay with me marrying someone who's 30 when I'm 18(she was watching the Cosby show and mentioned it) and when I'm 18,Adam will be 29.
    So I was like: agghhhhh!!! What if I'M the one?

    Anyway,either way I want to attend that wedding. If I can't be the bride then I want to be a guest because I still consider him a best friend I'd love to have.
    hahaha opening presents... nans... for a couple days cuz parents got parties -__- go figure eh ? they do something fun on christmas... um... I dont know really..

    What are you doing !! :D ?
    hahahaha went alright :) except the few msg i got from u... I look forward to those >_<
    hahahaha meaniee bummie!!! :(</3

    you're not y best friend no more :(

    I kid! loves ya ! haha
    WTH MAN ! u forgeting bout me ! imma get ya mudda to adopt me .. so i can be ya hommiee !!! i want some freacking mc'e D's ;) hahahaha

    you better of saved me some ! :D
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