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    ohhhh no !!!!! thats not good :(
    Hey! Yah, I have been pretty busy with school... but I am done now!!!! Yeah! (grrr... and now my fiance and I are looking into Masters schooling...)

    I have been really really stressed with school. Doing much better now. And yes, the wedding is in... 18 days... that's pretty weird... :)

    How have you been? :)
    well thank God its only fiction! he did have a girlfriend at one point but they broke up(there are many theories why) so now everyone clamours to provide the perfect girl in their stories. Mine are always well received because I don't name anybody. I just say "she." and I don't describe the girl. That way you can imagine whoever you want to fill her shoes :D

    Yeah my mom's on my side mostly. There are other things that get on my nerves from her though...
    yeah !! hahaha it sucks completly
    Yes! There's this girl I know who writes Adam fanfiction and it gets on my nerves. She has this girl who's married to Adam and she doesn't want kids because it'll ruin her body and because it hurts. Its a known fact in real life that Adam DOES want kids so it makes this fictional character seem insensitive to him. We writers pride ourselves on in representation and she doesn't do a very good job.

    Oh my mom doesn't mind Owl City,she'll let me listen to it and we even use it to put my brothers to sleep! she loves Sky Sailing(one of Adam's side projects) and she's called him cute before :) As far as normal boys go,she doesn't really have opinions really. She more focuses on us growing up with proper skills. We're already baby pros.
    One time she did say that she hoped that I'll find somebody who likes all the same things I do to marry. But she said it like I was never going to have a boyfriend.
    Makes me laugh though. For a girl like me,the pickings are actually pretty good.
    you're welcome...
    hahaha i dont get annoyed by you :) im home sick today :( head ache all day, dizzy..
    like birth control and nuva rings? blah,yeah never would use that. Yes labour hurts but I mean,that's part of the curse. The women's curse that eve brought upon us from eating the fruit. We just have to live with it.
    My mom was in labour for 10 hours with my brother though and her friend was in labour for 24!

    Ha ha yeah,I'm sure whoever I do end up marrying will be fine. I just fear that I'm gonna pick somebody who lives up to those standards and my dad is gonna think he's a wimp or something. Not all boys who are gentle are wimps you know. They're just well behaved.
    hahaha, honestly? If you want to share something with me, dont ask my permission ! :) I will always listen
    hahah im home from my nans >_< i go every weekend.. and guess what hun, im single again... fudge !!! :mad: =/ </3 ...
    Dont creep on my profile :d
    you know my user >_< and my pass is stupid, so i'll be sure to tell u :p something u can laugh at XD

    ALSO im 100% sure u can do it for me... :p u know what ur at more then me :) and nah.. idt u can make me mad :p lol all u do is make me laugh
    hahaha I dont mind ! :) I trust you enough for that ! :D
    Why does everyone keep saying that? The girl has the baby so its harder for her? duh! I dunno,I'm immune to that kind of stuff because my mom had a home birth with my brother Oz so we're just kind of used to the weird hippie midwives and stuff :)
    Yes they are more vulnerable. But the man wouldn't be a jerk if she was a good picker! Jocks are always red flags. Go for band geeks and nerds. They're sweet.

    Oh yeah he's just over-protective. My dad still insists that I want to date some swarthy bad boy. I don't understand that. The type of men I like are the guys who wear sweaters,keep their pants pulled up,and take you out for ice cream! Basically I set my standards to Adam Young level. HOW is that a bad boy?
    I do not understand my dad at all.
    DUDE its making me mad.. u wanna do it for me ?
    well in what way? I've just become extremely awkward in that area because my dad dislikes boys and I'm afraid whoever I like he's gonna bad mouth. He already bad mouths male musicians I like! I fear for the lads who ask for my hand...
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