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    hahahahahaha, does this make u a pessimest ?? :O i bet it does.. YOU SON OF A GUN!
    hahahahaha why are you excited ?!?! (Im sooooo excited, and i just can't hide it.....)
    Optimist all the way :)

    I try to look at the good in people, and my self.. even tho seeing it in your self is difficult.

    I try to make the best of a situation... and im coming stuck right now... everything makes me upset..
    yes, my grandma XD and its not problem.. ever have a question just ask me ! i dont take offence easily :) hahaha and i like answering them :p I LOVE helping people and animals
    AWWWW... see...well I can't blame you for being on here a lot-it's actually addicting ;)

    hopefully I'll be majoring in the secretary field :)
    but we shall see...
    hahaha i use too goo ALL the time.. but since i started going to nans every weekend i dont
    i dont go to church.. no teen does here
    I finished Highschool so I don't have school right now...
    and college will be in the Spring-Lord willing :)

    how is your school going?
    hahaha i would if i had friends to hang out with on the weekends...
    hahaha. im excited... it keeps my mind of EVERYTHING like.. u dont understand...
    Everyone's got a cold today it seems.

    It's going slow, as I've not got much time (I wanted to go to Mass yesterday but I had too much homework, bleh). But I think it's good to take it slow. It's all kind of fuzzy. But I honestly think this: All that matters is God. What matters less is the exact religion I use to worship.
    (this is not to say that all religions are the same, they're not. but it's too easy to get caught up in the rituals and lose sight of what really matters.)
    aww :) I hope you get better soon tooo :)
    i cold... sniffles.... hoarse voice!
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