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  • Well...technically Tony always acts like a little kid, but more so than usual on IM2. ;)

    Yeah he is super cute, and he knows it too! Hehe! He is 8 years old, we were told by the previous owner that he was 6 or 7 and since she got him from Petsmart she didn't know, but the vet had his papers and said he's 8.
    Lovely! I have typos galore on my last message. *Smacks herself on forehead* Oh well, I'll get over it...eventually. LOL!
    It was slow to start and to me it was really a bit silly and had too much arguing in it. And I can't believe they didn't have Terrence Howard in it again, loved him in the first movie. Yeah, I love the supehero movies a lot! Superman, Batman, Spiderman, Fantastic Four, X-Men, Underdog, ect. :)

    Yep, just uploaded some pics and since I haven't got a clue how to put the shortcut on her for you, it's in my pics. Speedle is a golden retriever/Australian shepherd mix as far as we can tell. He's super sweet and all he wants is to be petted...and given people food. lol!
    That looks awesome! No, I haven't seen Captain America or Thor, but my cousin said Thor was pretty great. I love Iron Man but not the second movie, just the first one. ;)
    I love that picture you made for your dog, so sweet! And...we got a new DOG! Yay! Yippy! Exstatic jumping! I'll post some pics of him once I get them loaded onto my computer; his name is Speedy (which we really don't like), but my mom and I call him Speedle after a character on CSI Miami that we liked. A bit cheesy, but hey it's better than Speedy. lol!

    Yay! I can't wait to see the Olympics next year!
    Oh Sweet! It sounds fun! (and yes I know where Cleveland is) hehe

    And it was okay! I didn't get it fully either...
    Wow! That's awesome Hyper! way to go and good luck with all of that! That's a ton to do it seems like! haha! But I'm sure you'll do great!

    Let me listen to it then I'll post what I think,
    Ya I think so as well! lol XD

    my fave would probably be... Historical Romance... Christian Romance or any oldie... haha What about yours?
    haha XD I love HAwaii... it's so beautiful I think.. I think having a horse farm there would be amazing... lol

    They're okay... that's not my favorite genre of movies... or style of books..
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