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  • Oh way to go! I think this is like... my last sunday before CCD.. -.- then I get confirmed this year.. yay..

    My fav would have to be... (oh so hard to choose!) hm.. Racing Stripes, Music Man.. or.... one of the Narnia's...

    What are yours?
    I've been looking. I found an e-mail adress that I might give a try.

    Other than that, it's pretty good. Math's awful, but the rest seems like it'll be interesting. At least, Acting and Creative Writing will be.
    Meh. I'm doing ok for myself, but I learned that my favourite professor is very ill and therefore retired. I don't know if I'll be able to find a way to contact him.
    Not much... I missed two of my show classes today.. I worked from 8-12:30.... and I am dead tired.. church tomorrow.. so not much...

    It's really hard. I think we will get another dog; at first my dad said he never wanted another one, but a few hours later he told my mom that we had to get another dog because the house was too quiet. I'm hoping for a dog and a cat...
    There's also a Duffer addiction thread (which is exactly the same as the others, since only duffers post anyway).

    Feel free to jump in any time. Most of our posts won't make sense, either because our brain capacities aren't enough to formulate sense (we've mostly lost our brains), or because it's an inside joke. To understand inside jokes, I refer you to the Encyclopedia, which explains a lot of things, though not all.

    And feel free to ask me any questions. :)

    Sorry for such a detailed answer to your simple question. In case you have not noticed, I am slightly obsessed with explanations and a semblance of order in that orderless land of duffers... :rolleyes:
    I saw your question for Glen when I was talking to her (no, I am not stalking you!). The addiction threads can be explained as more of a "When do you know you are addicted to Narniafans" list. We try to offer a thousand symptoms of our addictions, such as "(you know you're addicted when) you say 10thingy in real live conversations." We're counting down from 1,000, and our aim is to get to 0.

    Here's the original thread, which got too big and was therefore moved to Cair Paravel when they revamped the forums.

    There are two second threads, because holyboy the mod started a continuation, then forget he had done so and started a second continuation.
    It's kind of unexplainable. Whatever it was at the beginning, it's turned into a Duffer thread, which means that our addictions often turn out to be things like 42! and *whalesplats*. The best thing I can suggest is to read through some of the thread (not all, it's long) and to read the Duffer Encyclopedia. Hopefully that will help you figure it out a little better. :)
    I'm glad you won't be passing out on the soccer field. ;)
    My dog died yesterday. :( We think she had cancer.
    A bunch of things, but mostly rock. Some pop and techno is good too. My favorite band is Rise Against but I love other bands like Linkin Park, Nickelback, Story of the Year, Breaking Benjamin, Anberlin and Sum 41. How about you?
    No I got to neither... i go to a private school I guess you could say... it's a Lutheran School... no catholic ones near by.
    Ya she does! shorten her a tiny smudge and add weight then you have...... oh my.... I can't remember her name... wait... wait... oh yes! Then you ahve Maggie! lol (brain fart lol)

    And ya.. it's cold out there.. running horses into the wind... *shivers*
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