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  • Uhhhh... I watched Doctor Who? That counts as fun for me. :p What else did I do? *thinks* I always forget what I did on the weekend as soon as anyone asks. Oh! I know! On Saturday, my family went to Build a Bear so that my little siblings could use some gift cards they got last Christmas. They had so much fun! My little brother got a koala and dressed it in army clothes, and my little sister got a teddy bear which she got a Rapunzel dress and rollerskates for! :D
    LOL I know!! Yay for fall!

    Haha they do??? I need to go to a football game....

    Oooh I love Tobymac! My friend is obsessed with his music! And Skillet is amazing. My other friend loves Monster to bits.... I'll def check out your category lol. I figured out how to work Grooveshark xD.

    Night! I should go to bed soon... =/....
    LOL ahh, summer. Don't you love it xD. It's pretty cold outside right now, but only because of the rain. The moment it stops it will probably go right back up in temperature.. I can't wait for fall!

    Sorry your team lost! At least it was only the first game? I don't know much about Soccer, but that sounds like a pretty good score, even if you lost. I heard a score (I think it was for football though) a few days ago that was like 28-4 xD.

    So you said before you like Christian music? Who are your favorite groups/singers? I love Francesca Battistelli, Britt Nicole, a few of Skillet's songs.. And of course just random songs here and there.
    LOL nah, it's been pretty peaceful, strangely enough.

    Ooh I miss riding my bike. I never parted with my bike when I was younger.. I don't know why I stopped riding it. It's was so fun :p.

    You play soccer? That's pretty cool! I... Have played that once.. When the coach told me I'd fail PE if I didn't pick something to do.. Haha. It was fun though. Did your team do well?

    I love how long weekends are usually a lot more peaceful than the regular ones.
    Umm... I read two books and avoided my AP work... It's storming like crazy at the moment... And my dad stepped on my cat.. Poor thing.

    Been a good weekend lol. Love the extra day off from school. Have you done anything fun this weekend?
    AWWWW she is soooo CUTE! looks like my grandma's old dog... just not as fat lol XD

    We live in town, but we have a farm with 101 acres. A racetrack.. (training) and a barn.
    I love animals!! we have two cats, a dog, and two race horses.

    Do you like, and or have animals?
    I try to get on daily, yes. I also have my own website that I get on daily. And I have a Narnia Fan website, too. But it's not a big one like this one is. :)
    The leather on the handle was already worn through in one spot when I got it! Anyway, I have to go to bed, so I might notbe able to reply to anything you post back tonight!
    haha XD boo ya! I'm not alone in my thinking!! lol

    OMG I'm so hyper.. I had ice cream... so ya.. lol
    He plays on his Xbox lol XD

    It's defiantly better than other songs I've heard, much better. It's not bad, not that I get all of it lol :D

    I don't really know GrooveShark but what you've said it sounds pretty cool.
    Sweet lol XD not seen that one!
    No not really... just my art (and collecting my plastic ponies lol XD) I mean... my bro has been trying to get me to play his war games (yuck) and I have played a british wii game that I love.. but can't get..
    Wow! That's a hard game, I always hated those! I wonder what your coach thought.
    The best tip I can give you is to always practice and push yourself. Practice your footwork. The number one thing to remember is basics. Passing, dribbling, shooting, accuracy . If you can't get those down it doesn't matter how many trick shots you can do.
    Oh that vid is awesome! lol XD I think I know that guy from something else... hmm...

    And ya, I'm Catholic as well.
    Left Half (AKA left Mid), I'm a rare lefty so they kept me there. Too bad your game ended badly, Midfield is the most tiring because everyone else has to react to us.
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