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  • I don't use photoshop. I use Picnik. I can't blend images or do layers, though, so I need to learn to use GIMP. Still, Picnik has a lot of great stuff. More stickers, textures, and stuff are available if you buy the premium membership, but I don't have it and there's still plenty to work with. Here's a link to the site if you want to check it out.
    Will do! I know the library has them, it's just a matter of finding the time to head over there to pick it up. Have a great day! I may or may not be on tomorrow since that is the day of the picnic. :D
    Drat! I was hoping you could tell me if they were good or not. LOL! ;) I want to say that my brother read the first two, but I'm not positive; I know he read all of the first one for sure though.
    Yay for getting an extra day off from work! *Dances around the room* It is so awesome...even if I do have to go to my dad's company picnic and hang out with a bunch of people I don't know. I know that sounds terrible, but I love being off work (even if I don't like going to the picnic.) ;)
    lol...no. But My Aunt and Uncle do. I use to live at an All Boys Camp where my dad was the head of the camp. We got our goats and cats there. We also had horses, but we kept them at camp. :)
    You know, he never told me why, he just said he didn't like it; *shrug* he's very informative like that sometimes. (Rolleyes) I know I loaned him a few bucks to go see the movie when it came out in theatres (this was before he read the books) and he walked out! Suffice it to say, I never let him borrow money from me for a movie again. lol! Someone told me I should read a series called the White Lion Chronicles (or some such thing, I'm pretty bad at remembering book titles sometimes) by Christopher Hopper; have you read them?
    It has dragons in it...:D
    Seriously though, I won't push you into reading them if you don't want to, my family tried to get me to read the Bronze Bow by Elizabeth George Speare and I wouldn't for two years cause I'm that stubborn.
    Well, the first one--The Door Within--is about a teenage boy named Aidan who moves to Colorado with his parents. He is very angry because he didn't want to move, anyways he finds some scrolls in the basement and ends up entering The Realm. He becomes a knight and has loads of adventures there. It is very much scripture-based with the Jesus-character being King Eliam. The Second one is called The Rise of the Wyrm Lord, and the third is The Final Storm. My favourite is the last book, so much action and emotion! :D
    Hi patrick! I'm giving my email to my friends because I haven't been on the forum much now,so here's mine: Londonblover@Yahoo.com
    I'd love to see your graphics so send me some when you make them :)
    Haha! My brother read them and he didn't like them, but I don't have the same taste in books as he does; LOTRs and Narnia are the only books I can think of right now that we have in common. lol
    Maybe I'll pick one up sometime. Have you ever read the Door Within Trilogy by Wayne Thomas Batson? Those are AWESOME books!
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