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  • Oh yeah I forget you're homeschooled:/
    Having self confidence is always good, I've just got to the stage when I'm like I just don't really care much about other people's opinions - I just go for it:L and I think everybody dislikes their hair at some point, if it's straight you want it curly and vice-versa hahaa

    I'm so proud:p I've got another year to do more and to get the grades better so it's all good:D
    Ah, yes, that old thread. o.o I never updated it, because life got busy, and then I forgot. xD And thanks. :)

    Hmmm.... Do I need to take something new, or can I pull out old pictures I've taken?
    Haha i'll have a go:)
    Are you all going to different high schools or something? Then you should make an effort and be like YO we're all going erm... to the park (or wherever you lot hang hahaa) whether you all like it or not!
    It shouldn't be that hard for you to believe hahaa your a lovely guy, get some confidence in your
    +You'll know if it's her, her photo is of her face! hahaa:p
    I went to get my exam results earlier - BE EXCITED WITH ME PATRICK!!! i got C's in ethics and english (but the news is having a big fit over english saying how the government have changed the grade boundries or sometning) + B's in maths, ethics2 and additional science and A's in sociology, history, science coursework + ICT
    I know how you feel, about your childhood slipping away. I like to watch lots of Disney to make me feel better. :p

    I would love to see them, and I bet a lot of people on here would too.

    Yeah, I know. I have lots of ideas. My mom doesn't agree with the navy idea though.

    What else is going on? Anything exciting?
    You're a very wise kid, you know that? Of course, I wouldn't be talking, I'm in the same grade as you! But still, smarter than most of the boys in my class.

    You should totally join. You know, I've never heard of a Catholic youth group. they just call it CCD or confirmation class. I have to be confirmed in a year or so. I hear the class is really good.

    That's really cool! My best friend does animation. She really good at drawing. Maybe you should post some of your sketch and stuff on here. I would love to see it.

    I would like to do three things right now, maybe more. I want to be a National Park Ranger, like what you see at Yellowstone. . I also would really like to be in the Navy, and work on ships and stuff. That's what my dad does.
    As I said before, I'm in a technical theater program, and I could do that. Being a teacher would be cool, I would like to do preschool. I also am planning on being a camp counselor for a summer job in collage.
    Yeah, I know it's a lot. :p
    Ahh... All the schools here start last week of august. One of my really good friends goes to public school and she is getting very excited. Which I can not understand at all. Why do people get so excited about school?
    Hahaa aw thanks chicken:p Knowing my luck the weather will be rubbish for ages now so I can't get one:L hahaa
    REALLY?! I'm not:/ It's my last year with all my friends hahaa it sucks:p
    Yeah she might have mentioned that a bit, hahaa she did really like you:p She probably still does but I haven't spoken to her since she left so I don't know:L She used to ask me for advice but knowing her she won't have taken it hahaa really independant and all that:p
    umm... I think I will start early September. I really don't know though. I am hoping my mom gets really busy and forgets to start me till late September :p
    Oh, awkward too, yes, I went to one EXTREMELY awkward one. o_O I've actually never been to a wedding with a dollar dance, we were discussing that because someone suggested that this couple do one and they decided against it.
    oh, the thing I said about life?

    That was from Doctor Who. I thought of what you said, and it reminded me of that quote. It's one of my favorites.
    I do too. I used to have one, but she died in 2005.

    Every life has a pile of good things, and bad things. The good things don't always soften the bad things, but the bad things don't always spoil the good things.

    I'm sorry! I'm lucky to have a school with a lot of people to be friends with. I'm sure you'll make friends. and hey, you'll always have us *hugs*

    I love art, theater and stuff like that. But math is not my favorite in the world. I bet it would be, if I would any good at it! I really like history though. Last year I toke American History, and loved it. I'm really excited for this year.
    what kind of art do you like?
    Some weddings are awesome and some are just kind of "Eh, that's nice and I'm happy for them but that was boring." ;)
    Yup! We looked EVERYWHERE! Haha! Good for you! In a sense. It is always good to not be forgetful like me and lose all your stuff!
    the place where our nation has a building for citizen services

    haha that's fine. I just brought it up sent you kept talking about it before :p

    No, I havent... I will try and get to it after work... (getting ready to go at the moment lol)
    I guess i could. I went on a walk with My sister and her friend. And i took her camera. BIG mistake! We went down to the river, and sat down. And I must have forgotten it. So now, I have to take the consequences and bye her a new one. Has that ever happened to you? Or is it just me.
    It was a lab mix. He would hunt down turkeys and try to catch them. He caught a baby one once.

    I'm really sorry, it must be awful. You didn't do anything wrong, life just happened.

    I knew that. It sounds fun, I would like to try it. My mom is a sub at my school district though, so it would be hard to do. What kind of science is it? Last year it was Physical Science.
    I am taking English, World History Honors, Biology, Geometry, PE, and I am in a arts program called CoSA. I'm doing technical theater.
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