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  • It is really cool. it is up on out mantel. So, I get to see it every day!

    I should start saving up for one. After I buy my sister one. I lost hers. So i have to get her a new one *sigh*
    Haha! Poor Tom!

    It was! Oh! Did I mention that everyone wrote their names on the branches? Or was that obvious? Haha! Oh well! Maybe whatever you do next time will turn out better!

    Lucky! My 2nd older sister has a really nice camera. But she is married and lives across town! So i cant use it :( They might.
    Haha! Sounds like something i would think up!

    Yeah! She is so good! She drew a pine tree without pine thingys for my sisters wedding guest book. It was really cool! I am sure it will turn out better than anything i could do!

    yes I am! I will get started on taking some pictures here pretty soon. Sorry if they do not turn out to well. The camera i have is older than me. so, yeah!
    Yeah, there was even a dog running around the place. He was really mellow, and just hobbled around. It was really cute.

    I know about the self conscious thing. I was born with a hearing loss in my left ear. I used to wear a hearing aid, but then so many people asked about it, and made fun of me. I stopped wearing it. Lots of things were wrong with me, when I was born. I was pre-mature 2 months, and born really, really small. So I understand completely.

    At least you get another week. What classes are you taking?
    Thanks! My birthday was pretty good. :)

    I might join. I'll have to look at my pictures. Can the pictures be old? Like from a few years ago?
    Haha! I sometimes like to watch those trailers to.

    Haha! I bet! And I am sure it did not help that you were in abasement!

    I can't even really do that! My Grandma though is really good at those things!
    yup :D

    Going by myself to the embassy today... scary! I haven't traveled Seoul by myself yet...

    Hey, did you ever decide if we were going to be facebook friends or not? :p
    It was a horse backriding camp, so I really like do that. I also really like doing tack-up. Tack up is when we wake up early in the morning to groom(brush) the horse and then tack up(put the bridle and saddle on). I did it twice. Once, I had this little girl help me. She never done it before, I was supposed to teach her. All she wanted to do was braid the horse's mane and tail, so I did all of the work. Then I got yelled at for letting her do that, since we supposed to be doing work. But I still had a lot of fun doing it.

    You're partly blind? That's actually really cool! Don't let other people make you feel bad about it. Just explain to them what it is, and move on. Your eyes are a special part of you, don't let it be anything else. And hey, you can shoot a air-soft gun half blind! How cool is that?

    I start school on Thursday. When are you starting, and what classes are you taking?
    Haha! what did you go and do that for!

    I can totally understand why you were a little freaked out. I would be to. It also depends on the trailers.

    Cool! I have never been good at drawing. Unless it is like designs. Or geography. So the continents.
    Oooh I will if I get any good photos of suns:) I'm not very good at photography but since I live in the countryside we get some nice sun, I'll try have a go:p

    Two weeks isn't that long!! I nearly go back to school then, yay:/ hahaa I get my exams results on thursday uuuuuuggghhh greeaaat:L

    I guess so yeah:D She first started talking to me because she heard I was British hahaa:p Then we just carried on talking, I love her - she proper makes me laugh:) I know you were close to her aswell:)
    Hmm.. Yeah, he seems like a director who really likes hes tense stuff. Or intense. Whichever one. Haha! Sorry, but that is a little funny. Last night we watched the hunger games, so i was in the trailer and the movie was on my mind, so, i was a kinda nervous. So, your not alone! That was allot of "so".
    I will probably stay up for a little longer. me and my sister are going to watch something and then Idk what!
    Idk, I am super tired. I went to a water park today, so i am really tired. but i don't feel like going to bed. *sigh* Well you have fun. They are always so much fun!
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