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  • Me too! You are probably the first person I know whose parents are skeptical about sleepovers also! Idk, maybe.

    Haha! I am so sorry! My eyes are red to. I was swimming in a friends pool with no goggles. So my face is sunburned and my eyes are red and watery!
    Well, I was teaching at an English Immersion summer camp and doing Summer ESL classes for the students... So, yes. :p
    hahahaha XD I do like this computer...

    hahahaha .... u'd be surprised.... =/

    hahahahaha really? I cant wait to see it... u remember my pass ?

    haha.... is that ur good eye? D:
    HAHA.. i boujght a new comp.. so 80 bucks or summin is left

    haha awesome

    :( </3

    becuz all guys fck with me :p used and abused..

    :D yay !!! hope its nice
    Me to! And that had only JUST started happening. Well, at least you get to have a sleepover. I guess. I hope everything goes well. I too have had a couple of friends like that!
    But I have a great time, we did some really cool stuff.

    I have an eye problem too. my eye lid drops down. I've had surgery to fix it, but it's still kinda funny looking. what's yours like?

    very cool. I don't have an ipod touch. but my sister does. she won't let me touch it.
    Umm.. No not really. Me and my friends will say that we really need to get together and then it never really works out. And also, my parents do not like sleepovers that much, so we never really do them. But, I do have one friend who ALWAYS wants to get together and it does get highly annoying!
    sorry I didn't talk to you, I was at camp.

    I had a ton of fun! But there was one girl who was mean to me. She teased me about how I talked and everything(I have this speech thing since I was born. no one really teases me about it)
    But whats new with you? anything happen when I was gone?
    Don't worry! I do it all the time to! And no, it is not annoying m at all! I was just telling you that so you WON'T annoy anyone. I myself have a record.
    At nothing.. did a bit of work....

    5th of sept.

    Single :(

    I like some1 .. but its pointless and a waste of time

    hahaha I LOVE THAT PICTURE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG be nice if u could replace that iinuyasha with another.. but i like it :)
    Hyper, here is some advise for you. Maybe you will seem less awkward if you stop obsessing about it all the time. Just a thought. You can get mad at me if you want too.
    Glad to hear you had fun with you friends. :)

    Soccer! I keep trying and trying to find people to play with. I only got to play 20 mins with some highschool guys this week... twasn't long enough...

    Art design class? cool :D

    Thanks. Yes, I am. :)
    That'd be amazing! I'd be like WOOOOO THE BRITISH ARE COMING! I've never quite understood that saying but it fits:D
    That sounds pretty yummy, I'd well eat that:D

    I don't really like coffee, I like the smell:p I usually get a strawberry+cream frappe:p

    I've been trying to teach my sister how to use skype today-.- It's failing massively, I'm not sure why but she just can't get the hang of it:/
    Work. and animal adoption...

    Cross-cultural conflict with co-workers that I am trying to work through... differences of opinion about classroom management and the English only policy

    Been trying to adopt a dachshund from a kill-shelter. After two weeks, they finally told us they found its owner. However, they had no intention of letting us no because it breaks policy? Now, trying to find another one...

    I would say that sounds lovely but I've never been so, I hope you do:D A creamstick? I'm not even sure what that is doesn't it doesn't sound too substantial hahaa

    Oh I feel awkward if I stare at someone, especially if it's when I look around a room and happen to look at someone at the same time they do me and it just seems like I've been staring. I hate that so much hahaa
    Starbucks people are usually lovely:D I love it when they ask for your name to write on the cup, I feel like I should give a different name. The other week me and my friends went to Starbucks and my friend Krishnaa said her name was Squish - that's genually what we call her, I have no idea why but still - the worker sort of went "Squish!? Like you squish a bug?" it made me chuckle
    Hello!! I haven't been on here for way too long (like almost a year, maybe)!! I have no idea what inspired me to log back on today, but I am very happy I did! It's good to be back! :)
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