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  • Yeah, I guess. I wish i had some more fashion sense!

    I don't really know. I was kinda half asleep so all i really got was the my friend was picking me up at noon and we were going to go shopping for a housewarming gift. So, maybe i am confused! Maybe we are just going to get a book! Irdk. (hope that makes sense :p)
    Yeah, shopping can be fun. Little tip on grocery shopping. You probably already know but, oh well! Never go grocery shopping when your hungry! It's deadly! Cloths shopping is allot of fun. Especially when your looking for a fancy dress. But i guess thats only for girls. Yeah, Housewarming gift shopping is not my favorite. I guess i am sick of looking house things.
    We are shopping for a house warming gift for R.C Sproul JR. and his daughter. He is coming to out family camp that is coming up. And who knows, Maybe the moms will let me and Chloe go of for a little by ourselfs! Doubt though.
    haha! Ya! I am more of a shy type.

    I am glad you agree!

    Well, I am going shopping with a friend and her mom and my mom this afternoon. But other than that. My day had nothing going on.
    Well, At least your not shy! And maybe you are more "awkward" around certain kinds of people. I know i get pretty shy around kids my age. And I am pretty mature around grownups. And around little kids, i can make friends with them really fast. so, i think it really plays into who your with.
    idc about my avatar ddear ^_^ i'd prob just use my pic.. and alright:) what ever u like ^_^ hehe
    They might happen to me. I don't know though. Maybe just private school. In the socializing part, i feel like i am doing ok. I have 3 REALLY close friends and 3 other just, good friends. Wow! I'm sorry. I'm sure you can't be that awkward!

    Cool! The clarinet is very pretty and if that is main talent then go her! Haha! maybe I should! Good for her! She sounds nice =)
    OR THIS .. InuYasha : "Kagome taught me how to smile ... how to trust. It's because of her that I have friends. Relying on my companions -- shedding tears for others -- true strength and kindness . . . Kagome taught them all to me. She was born to meet me. And I, too, for Kagome's sake . . ."
    OR THIS .... Inuyasha : "I'm a half-demon, more egotistical and greedy than any other living creature -- that's what human beings are, right? ... But with human blood flowing through my veins, I never give up! Don't you understand? When you have someone to protect, your power increases multifold!"
    "Neither one nor the other, not a demon, but not a human either, no place no belong... I thought the only way was to carve out your own place, by force; that's how I survived. And by the time I knew what was happening, I was all alone... : Inuyasha .. (That is the words i want. please?) <3 I will love u forever
    Oh, ok, Thanks!

    Ah. I am to. I really like it. But i would kinda like a little bit of a change now and then

    Well, One dream of mine right now is to go to Le Cordon Bleu in France. It is culinary school. But it is really expensive. Other then that, not much.
    Ahh, ok. I'm sorry. Thinking bad rep, how do you know when you get it? Cause i have no clue!

    Yeah. I am still kinda unsure though. So, Are you going to school? Like public school? Or am i confused.

    Wow! My two oldest sisters are both out of college and married. So, they are never around. At least most of your siblings are still around. But my sister closest to me is still around. So, that's good!
    hehehe I'd love for you to do it...... cuz i cant.. idk how... but i can try :) IF ! you upload it on here for me.. cuz i'd screw up something.. okay?

    and its a new HP ... 750gb hard drive....... ;D its really awesome ! I love it.. skype soon?
    I..I never thought... that someone liked me... the way I am... Not like a youkai (or demon)... not like a hanyou (or half demon)... not even like a human... just... the way i am... just... like me! ~ Inuyahsa
    I like the signature... the avatar..not so much, but its still nice ^___^

    BTW !! I got a brand new laptop :D ;)
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