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  • A group of teens in my neighborhood have a Hunger Games every now and then. I was one of two Victors in the third one. The rules are easy. You're dead if you get hit on the chest with any of the weapons. It's pretty fun.
    Yeah. It was long enough ago to laugh at. it was really funny!

    I understand those reasons. She is more of a girl singer. but lott's of guys do like her. And she is not the cocky or arrogant. I guess you just have to be a fan of hers.

    Haha! zucchini bread is good! I like it to. I have to go anyways. May be we could talk again
    Oh good! One time at home our spare tire exploded and our back side window was completely blown out! it was insane!

    You should. She's really good. You may not like her songs that much though. You never know. You might.
    Oh good! Sorry about your car!

    Did you know that taylor swift is coming out with a new album this fall?
    Trust me, girls can be really insensitive and inconsiderate. I know I have.

    Haha! Really? Interesting!

    Oh no! I hope shes ok! I am sure she is pretty not scared but, freaked out a little. Maybe. Idk. But I hope shes ok.
    Ah! Yeah. I guess so. But it all really depends on the guy to. I mean, girls are really mean to guys for their petty problems. we all think that guys are insensitive and have no feelings. And that's were us girls are all mistaken. So we say things that really hurt their feelings.

    It is extremely random!
    Yes they are!

    Well, I don't really believe it. Not entirely. I mean, girls and guys both have it hard. We all have feelings don't we? we all have are own troubles. Right? So, how could girls have it harder then guys? Why do you ask?
    Haha! My family tells me those kinds of things too. I usually do not believe them though. I should.

    Yeah. I try so hard not to let it bother me. But i always somehow end up thinking about it! I have kinda noticed that. It is actually kinda a funny though :p
    Yeah. I have seen some of it.

    Yes I have. Your nose isn't that big!

    Haha! She sounds like a very interesting young girl. She must not like glasses! I can understand how it might have killed your confidence maybe just a little. Little kids have a way of doing that don't they?
    Ends up my friend is not picking me up for awhile longer!

    Yeah. I was watching a little (i should start watching again) and it was pretty cool.

    haha! A kid called you scary?! Sorry. But i do find that kind of funny. Some kids have called me some names to. But afterwards i have always just laughed at it!
    Ok cool! I will watch that!

    That is really cool! So you and your family play allot of instruments. I wish me and my sisters played that many!

    I will. Ok. I wiil be careful not to call you any names then! :p
    I should check that one out.

    Yeah. Do any of your siblings ply instruments?

    Ok. Good to know. Jane by design does have some language to. But nothing to bad. Well, It is almost noon here so i have to go and get ready. Thanks for hanging out me today!
    It's a show that one of my friends introduced to me. It's called Jane by design. Just to tell you, it is kinda wordy which i do not like that much. But it has allot of fashion. So it's pretty cool. Not my fav though.

    Cool! I love the piano so much! The trumpet is pretty cool to.

    I play the piano. I am not that good though. Although all three of my sisters are really good.

    P.S Please do not judge because i watch some intresting TV shows. None of them are bad. At all! Just, kinda worldly. But it does not mean that i am worldly.
    Yeah. I have been watching a TV show about fashion lately. And it had really been inspiring me.

    wow! Sounds like allot! Do you play any other instrument other than the trumpet?
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