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  • Sorry its been so long. I'm so use to being on Facebook I forget to check here. I'm getting a degree eventually in library science but first I'm working on a bachelors in history. Did you buy the car?
    It does seem like it would be one of the neatest jobs ever! I completely understand. Haha so what are the plans for the summer? I am looking at working quite a bit. I am hoping to be able to get everything ready for this fall as well!
    Oregon? It's rainy and beautiful. We have fir trees and mosses. Not to sunny. :) California is way to sunny! :(

    Hmmm I have been borrowing my parents' truck :p My grandpa is giving us his old truck. It's a Ford. We were wanting a van, but we are grateful for the truck. I will have to wait for my VW van for later... haha

    two weddings? Wow! Yah, those are time consuming! That is understandable!
    I think he would enjoy a company like pixar, but I feel like he will lean more towards the video game aspect of things as a future job! Haha and we should probably become facebook friends. Are you friends with ~lava~ on facebook?
    Really? That's great! :D I hope that you enjoy it!l

    I lived in South Korea; it is very difficult to get into North Korea - especially if you are openly Christian. My parents live in Oregon. That is where I am now. No, he can only apply in California right now ( :( ) because his credential is from there and it take two years to clear it so one can teach elsewhere. Thanks, buddy!

    My husband and I are looking for our first car, too... Pathetic... I know :p We are so cool.
    You will need to visit sometime. I think being a graphic designer would be an amazing job. My younger brother is going to school for graphic design. He really enjoys it. Both Pixar and several band album covers are very detailed and show a new level of skill! Are we friends on facebook? lol
    An interview! Congrats! Hopefully, God will bless you with getting it as well! :)

    Well, I am back from Korea, so I am staying with my parents while my husband finishes his student teaching in Cali. Then? Well, he is applying for jobs... so, it depends on where he gets one. haha In the meantime, I am an Instructional Assistant at a local public school.

    Are you looking forward to summer?
    Hey there! I hope you are well! To answer your question... My dream career would be to travel and sing classical music. I am about to transfer schools and I will hopefully studying opera. I would love to teach music and use it as a ministry tool. It is just a beautiful concept. What about yourself? What if your job and location? (On the other note: North Carolina, South Carolina, and California are all beautiful states... Tennessee is also spectacular!) Have a great day!
    Well you've got a fair bit to decide I guess:) I'm starting to have to look at universities, so I so need to get my act together with it aha

    Yeah it was nice probably, a fair while ago now so I don't really remember:)

    Ooh I hope you got it!
    Ah right that makes more sense aha - four years? what're you studying? are you going to do like a masters? Or the American equivalent.... you might not even know what a masters is.... if not ignore that bit aha

    Nope I don't, not really too sure why aha it's a great concept. But I never seem to have time for watching stuff like that - but this week's been half-term so it's been nice to chill:D

    I will do:)
    6 years!? I thought you were like my age?:/

    Oh no ahaha, I mean like a set of DVDs so the series of it but just in a case - I think I explained that well. I'm not sure what you'd call it in America

    Yeah we email each other a fair bit:) you?
    Being hammered by heavy and inescapable expenses, as when I had to get a tree cut down so it wouldn't break apart with rot and fall onto my house. If not for the help of generous family members, I would be flat broke.
    Ugh school, never can quite be bothered with it haha

    It's two brothers who basically kill daemons together, it's more complicated than that but that's basically the gist of it haha. I do but I just don't have the box set itself to watch haha:)
    Ah so you've been hard-core watching box sets! That's the best kind. I've been getting into supernatural with my sister, but she's taken the box set away so I'll be deprived for a while now haha

    Yeah thanks it was great:) And happy new year too (even if it is a smidge late)
    4am?! That's too late for me haha I get so tired so easy it's hilarious
    Doctor Who totally makes it worth it though, did you watch the Christmas special?:D

    And did you have a fab Christmas?:)
    Quite proud of myself for remembering that ahaha:)

    Hahaha no can't say I have, yourself? Or maybe not a party but anything just as crazy?:D
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