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  • Yah, but it's kind of lonely being the outsider and i am tired of winter lol

    ah, yah. It might just be your personality. In which case, don't think of it as a flaw. My sister and I are both very socially different than a lot of people.
    Hello there,

    Time has passed a little bit since the last time I was on. I have been good... Traveling mainly, that and school tend to keep me busy. I always manage to find a way to over book my schedule one way or another. lol How are you? I hope life has been a good adventure since the last time we spoke.
    It's much better than it was last semester. But, we fixed some things and now I teach a multigrade 4-6. So much easier and better for the kids learning than rotating subjects, which never allotted me the teaching time I needed. No, still in Sk.
    How have you been?
    Once you enter the Asylum, you can never get out... never get out... THEY are coming....
    *cough* Ahem, anyway...

    Sounds fun, I will look for them.
    Ok cool! I have friends who don't believe in it too. When I was learning about it in the seventh grade, my friend got in the most terrible fight with the teacher. She almost got sent to the principals office.
    For professional shows, you go in to a interview, like any other job. But for high school, we just have a long line of papers with all of the shows and with all the jobs layers out. We just sign up for shows. If two people are for one specific job,(ex. Light board operator) our teacher chooses the best. I did have to apply and interview for the tech program. We have two musicals, one play, two dance shows, two intermental music shows, two musical theater shows, and a bunch of other small shows. We're always really busy.
    Plays are cool, but I like musicals better. Acting is a lot of fun, if you want to try it. Or you could play music for musicals! We do that a lot.
    I think it is. It's about these two brother who fight monsters. It's a bit scary, and blood. it's TV-14.
    Just for a visit haha +I get what you mean:)

    Other then that I love it! But that's been sorted out now it's all goood:p

    Ohh I get you, so nothing like awful? Just bad things... if that makes sense:/ It's pretty awesome that you've joined your youth group and stuff, then you can talk to new people and get that kind of experience. I always think it's better to be awkward rather than full of yourself so just go along with it:D
    Ah, I see. I love Herbie, he's my favorite car ever. I got all the movies for Christmas.:D

    Oh and congrats on joining the Asylum. *Vulcan sign* Live long and Prosper.
    That's cool. I'm for evolution, but hey, not here to argue. That's not gonna change anything.
    Schools great. Did ok on my finals. I'm gonna try harder this semester. Tech is going awesome. I'm not on the currant show, "graphs of wrath" but we're working really hard in class.
    Oh, and I started this new tv show called Supernatural. Have you heard of it?
    Hey! Happy 2013! What's been happening? Did you have a good christmas? I have some new graphics up! I haven't seen you in a while, hope your doing okay!
    Couldn't stay away too long;D That's what I do, come on for a gander to see what's happening:)

    That's fine haha :)
    I used to really want to do that, have one of those conventions that everyone goes to, then I'd fly to America and be like WOOOOOOOOO

    It's been alright, I've applied to move schools next year and I'll be going for the interviews in the early new year and then I'll be told if I have a place so that's been quite nerve wracking really. I moved house on wednesday & we've had torrential rain ever since so we've had a minor leak which some guy has stopped for us temporarily and will fix in the new year:) I've got 3 exams in january so I'll be doing revision for them, yourself? Go on, tell me why your life seems a bit sucky

    Not that I've been to haha, there's two over the christmas holidays that I'm not going to because I've got family parties. Then there's a birthday in january but I'm going on a trip to Cambridge Uni that weekend so I'm not off to that either:p You?
    I sent her your message chicken:)
    +You're leaving forever? Pffft, you can still come on every now and again yet still 'have a life' as you put it:p Anyway you should add me on facebook, then we can at least mail each other every now and again:) You wrote your name in the message to Reagan but I felt abit wierd if I just randomly added you from that:) So I'll PM you my name, then add me if you feel like it but if you don't it's alright:) see you Patrick:')x
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