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  • haha yup :p I was teasing Forte this morning saying they were his plant children :p

    twould be :) though, Ohio is so far away 0.o I really wish we could convince them to try again with the narnia-con...

    lol :p
    I LOVE ferns :D so happy to have them. lol We wrote "Love," "Joy," and "Peace" on their pots. "Love" and "Peace" are the two ferns... told Forte we need more so that we can finish off the fruits of the spirit :p

    I like spider plants too

    Yes that would fun :D

    Those are nice shoes. :) I like skateboard style on guys
    Listen to it! Listen to it! It's called "The Touch of the Master's Hand." I would give you the youtube link, but I know youtube is blocked on your comp. Would it work if I found it for you to listen to on Godtube? or is that blocked too?

    ah. No. Did they give an explanation for it?
    Yah, that happens sometimes. But ya just stick through it. Then, you will be there for when the Danis haha come back into your life :D

    ah that is true. :) Have you heard the Violin Song? It is one of my favorites. So inspiring.

    Can't afford it right now... haha

    You are welcome :D It was fun. Glad you guys enjoyed it

    Yes, I have heard of them... but since they aren't in my musical preferences, I haven't really listened to them...
    :eek: Oh, wow, thank you! <3

    Hmm... I was sort of thinking a Narnia movie cast-ish theme, since I love the cast so much and I know you really like Narnia cast graphics. XD
    Well it wasn't literally dirty, just awful:/ AFRICA?! That's amazing! i'd go to Africa, maybe if I didn't get ant infested pizza hahaa
    That'd be so cringy eating ants:/ hahaa
    +thankyou:D School, basically. haha I've done school then I'm going to a rehersal for only an hour then off out for a meal:p
    ah I think a lot of us feel that way... Some seasons, it's really easy to feel connected here... others, not as much... That is how it has been for me at least. But, I just keep at it... Sorry that you are feeling that way, however.

    Don't quit... even if you want to... you will regret it later (cliche, I know...) Trying out the new teacher is probably a good idea... I keep trying to quit my autoharp too (and I don't get a teacher) but my husband keeps talking me out of it...

    guess try and price the string and maybe look for it online... I am just really confused about which string it is called... I know they have different numbers and such... It is harder to find the individual string... and I don't want to pay about 100 for a new set...
    uh-ohs... what happened now?
    ah. Have you been keeping up with your practicing in the last few days? I am annoyed at my autoharp right now... It is hard to tune since I am not very good at music theory and it has 36 strings... and I accidentally tuned my highest C string too high... it broke on me... and I am too far from a music store right now... lol
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