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  • okay, the tutorials are up. :) so are the new graphics. The new graphics are on the previous page.. :p and then the tutorials.. I hope they are not too hard to follow. If not, let me know which part and I will explain it to you gladly. :)
    Okay, I'm going to make some new ones, and write tutorials for those. To be honest, all I really do is follow other tutorials and add a ton of textures. :p But I will have them done soon. :) I will post them in my graphics thread. :)
    Lecrae today ???? :O OMG !!! Jealous .... get me an autograph ;)

    baah, school over.. passed anyways.. :p ! . whooooohooooo SUMMER :D
    Not alot of people post on my graphics anymore.

    I'm doing okay I suppose. Little tired from being out in the heat today. How are you doing?

    Oooh what artist are you seeing?!
    Yea, when she comes up we have fun. :)

    Sure, I can write tutorials. :) Let me know which graphics you like, and I will see what I can do. you just need GIMP.. :rolleyes: I don't know how to do this stuff on any other program. :)

    have you checked out my latest graphics?
    That's awesome weather, hose pipe bans by any chance?
    I don't know, it's all I've known really and it makes you treasure going on holiday to warm places:p I couldn't leave England anyway, too many freaks I'd miss;D
    HELL YEAH! There's no point in being all doom and gloom 24/7. Occasionally is alright but not constantly:p
    Thanks, Buddy!

    ooo! Yesterday, the Principle said that, since we are the first residents in the new apartments, we get to choose the unit that we want when we get there! It is like we get to go house hunting for the first time! (even though we are choosing from like 5 very similar units but... anything can be exciting if you make it to be) :D
    It's sort of changing it's mind alot, a couple of weeks ago it was amazingly warm - shorts weather and all that. Then it started being typical English - just dull really - now it keeps flitting between warm+thundery or chucking it down:/

    You should do what I keep trying to do, focus on something that you're really excited for and then when things seem to be going even slightly downhill just be like OHWELL the sooner it's over, the sooner that awesome thing can happen:D
    that sounds like fun. :)

    Im so happy because my 'step' sister just got in yesterday and she is going to be here pretty much all summer!! :D And I have been in a huge graphic making mood. IT is taking all my self restraint not to make some right now.. :p haha though I think I am going to give in and make as many as I can before I go out and run errands with the family..

    I'm also happy because the past two days have been really nice, and it was really gloomy and rainy the last week and a half or more... Meh.. I will say that I appreciate the sun more when it has been rainy for the past forever... :)
    It's to write humor pieces based on old-style newspaper advice columns. Look in Cair Paravel Event center.
    hahaha yhyh boi coz we iz a propa badman

    I've still got next year to do them aswell, so it's all going to come back at me. yaaaaay-.-
    I'm so bored right now:/ It's quite nice weather, but I had to go to the dentist so I couldn't go out, wahooo. Life seems to be against me alot like that recently:p haha
    The hood:D DA HOOD BRO hahaa

    Oooooh I finished my last exam today:D Sociology is done and dusted:p I do have a french controlled assessment next tuesday, but I'm not overly fussed about that as of yet
    That is quite the turn of events! :)

    awww that's not good... Yup, I had heard some of those had weird side effects... From what I understand there is one brand that is supposed to be better than the others...
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