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  • haha do whatever you decide, though :)

    that is true :D

    haha very deep... is your voice going through puberty still? or did you master that hill?
    I think one or two people have tried it in the past. Not very many people find them interesting to read though... Probably because, with websites like blogger, livejournal, twitter, facebook, tumblr, we already start to feel like we are being inundated with peoples' lives. Too many people seem to like to online blog in the style of "my life is horrible..." or "i am completely in love with person x who I have no hope with cuz I am completely immature" or "here is every unnessecary detail about what happened in my day today." I guess it depends on how you pulled it off. If you can do it in a way that seems interesting, mature, enlightning, etc. Then you could probably be successful regarding readership.
    Well, No, I don't think so, I know that I might be going to a friends house tomorrow, other than that no...And you? I'm a girl :) And by your picture I'm thinking it's safe to assume your a guy. xD
    I'm great how are you?
    I just got back from Washington DC, and now I am in this leadership program at a summer camp for two weeks. Then I go to COMIC-CON!!!!
    sort of... we have made a few, actually... lol :p

    wow... is that exciting? who does the cooking... :p you, him... or the microwave? :p
    Hahaha, thanks!! =D
    I don't really need them, though, I just wear them cause I like how they look...They're plastic lenses... XD
    He shouldn't force them, if they don't feel right doing abortions for whatever reason then it's just plain tight to force them, they could just get Christian nurses who don't mind it instead:/
    Ugh that's silly. I've watched some shows on the Mexican/USA boarder:D I love those kinda shows, same with those when the police break down people's doors for drug raids. That'd be an amazing job:p
    I guess I'm sorta alright for the moment. Just a little down today is all. But working on feeling better. Btw How have you been?
    Mine was some kind of Dell I think, all I know for sure, is that it deleted the operating system off it itself... >< That was what, three months ago? My dad hasn't gotten around to fixing it yet :p
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