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    Hello! How are you? I'm working on a Narnia fanfic.
    Yes, we did have so many more active users back in the day... I am trying my hardest to revive that sort of community on tdl... Try to connect the newbies... etc... I should go participate in Benisse's contest... Just wish that the end date wasn't the fourth! lol! o.0
    Oh well, next time...

    Yup... scary scary... I hope that they accept me, my visa, my luggage, my husband, etc at the airport... and that they give them all back to me at the other side :p
    lol... I forgot to ask Benisse to make the poll multiple choice... I typically prefer it that way... but, oh well
    You are welcome :D I forgot to post in it that the winner has host next contest... That's how we used to do it... If I remember correctly...
    I'm actually really enjoying it so far. Ohio is a beautiful state. :D We're in a more "scenic" area now--I think we're going to get to Indiana soon.

    I'm winning the graphics contest? :eek: Wow, well I'm honored. :D
    Great to hear!

    Haha, sounds like that'd be fun! :D

    I'm doing great, thanks. Like I told you earlier, I'm now in Ohio. :) Won't be for too much longer, though. And thanks about the graphic, by the way. I was actually very proud of that one. XD
    Me too! So did my brother :) . He says hi.
    Thanks for the videos! The one with the Halloween candy was hilarious!!!! LOL
    Were all hoping its just a cold. And three more posts! :D
    And yes really. Hannah Montana...I really don't know why, they said their bored, now they have started singing her songs. :p Oh well.
    I don't think so, probably what ever my mom and dad decide to do, all I want to do, is stop being sick. Me and a bunch of my friends got sick from the play we were in, I know of five of us getting it. Abby I., Abby P., Me, Jason, and Sam. It was odd because we were the five that usually sat together.

    Aha! Now I see your face xD I need like three post until I can put of pictures and things like that..wait. You need 10 posts right? Any ways, I can hear my 8 and 7 year old brothers talking about Hannah Montana? I really don't know what brought them to that conversation..
    It came up, when I was answering you, next to where it has the number of posts you have it has your birthday xD.
    Any way my littlest brother, (He's two) made me take him in a boat today...he ended up jumping off of our neighbors dock..and surprisingly, he isn't asleep yet
    Oh sounds fun :D Last time I pulled an all-nighter I passed out at noon, and slept all day. xD Since tomorrow's Saturday, I might try tonight, if I don't fall asleep like yesterday..
    I'll give my friends the link, for their brothers. :D And out of randomness, my friend Emma, shares a birthday with you :p Except, she's going to be eight teen, this year :p
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