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    Hello!:D Can you guess who I am?
    ah... well... ya know :p

    I was one of those kids that was super proud of myself in elementary school that most of the books I checked out were from jfic/young adult section of the library...
    Yes I am a girl. I feel rather insecure writing stories 'cause it might not be as good as I think it might be. And not a lot of people might read it... I'm still going for it!
    Actually, I kinda don't want to marry. It's a pretty long story.
    That makes a lot more sense. ;)

    I want to be an author, but I need another job to support me... I was thinking about being a doctor or a scientist...
    Huh? You're looking at houses? *gets all confused*
    I love the smell of coffee:) remind me of my dad hahah

    I'd hope so, but I don't think there will be. I'm too busy around my birthday to have one and we tried to throw one of my friends - Krishnaa - a suprise party, it really didn't go well. We were at a chinese food place so we asked a waitor if they could bring a cake out that we'd bought her after the meal. So the guy went up to Krishnaa and asked her if she wanted them to bring the cake out now because it's someones birthday:/ She was sort of just like AW guys how sweet!
    haha I see. I find that my writing style has definitely been influenced by Tolkien and some other authors... It's funny how we are influenced...

    your welcome :)
    good part :D

    haha... that is what I am used to... I pick up "modern" books and am like, "wow... this author is a horrible writer" :p

    yay! good job! :D
    Well, the same kinda went for Jesters. They were not of high standing yet they preformed regularly for a king.
    I'll probably host one later this summer.

    A youtube contest is basically just a way to show off your skills and more often then not you have a theme to follow. Like say someone wanted to do a summer theme. You have to go by that theme and match it to the best of your abilities :)
    No progress on the graphics.. :( sorry.. I have been a bit preoccupied..

    I'm thinking about the awesomeness that is my best friends... Didn't realize just how much I loved my besties until now.. They are like sisters to me. :)

    What about you? Doing anything exciting?
    They're awesome, as I said before. And Dr.Pepper's real good.
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