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    Sorry, I'm not aloud to tell people my age online.

    As soon as I can find that CD with all of my old sixth grade pictures (I'm not aloud to show recent pictures) I will make an album and show you all of sixth grade. I look exactly as I was back then except taller. (And I'm Filipino, an Asian culture.)
    Oh, well, because when I'm bored, I tend to get drowsy.

    Well, I got scowled out by my parents. I was outside playing with the younger kids. I know, I'm not supposed to play at my age, but I did cause I'm a kid at heart and stuff. They saw the quiet side of me, not the adventurous outgoing side.Anyway, we were playing hide and seek.Trouble is, all (13) of us like to hide in the places that are forbidden. I came back home covered in dust, my shoes all scratched up. It was tiring hiding in places that had mud or dust (I hid in the cellar outside). So yeah.
    Thanks :) I hadn't done a graphics contest in years. I'm more a youtube video contest kind of person.
    Yes of course :p :) As burglary... basically how it sounds... at least, that is how I always interpreted it... How was it coming off to you?

    I have to say that quote is basically me:/ I'm in love with a good cup of tea, but I've got to be in the mood to read +I will when I've next got time (i'm only on this briefly)

    Ugh, I've decided July is an awesome yet very stressful month. I swear everyone's birthday is in July-.- Two of my friends are tomorrow, another is the day after, two more on the 10th, my uncles on the 12th, another on the 14th,17th and 18th:/ Then I've got three shows to do the weekend of my birthday, it's all really stressful. July's always like this, then my mum'll have a huge panic attack when it comes to packing for the holiday
    haha it twas :D Perhaps... We have had a lot of new members join who seem to be quite amazing :D

    The Glennfeather one. :)
    Yep, I voted a little while ago. I didn't vote for myself, but I don't know if I should say who I DID vote for. :D

    Sounds like an interesting thread idea! I'd definitely post there. :D
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