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  • Watching drunk people is actually quite fun:) not as fun as people watching though, that's my new hobby:D
    +thats a well funny video!:D
    I am so sorry. I havent been on the computer in a couple days, and today I was pretty much without Internet all day because we were driving up to see family and drop off my stepsister. I had not seen your request... :p sorry.
    Lucky you... well, I'd love to pull an all nighter, but I promised the kids next door to help them with their business. And I gotta babysit. And write. And finish the prologue of my 1st Narnia story on fanfiction. (Yes, I just joined!) I go by the same name, but my profile there is different 'cause I like anime /manga! Not a lot know.... ;)

    Well, good night, I guess... have fun staying up late!!! ;) :D
    I wish I could watch the videos right now, but anything funny keeps me awake all night long. I'm so excited to see them tomorrow! Thanks :D ;)
    We usually are eating random food, in a tree somewhere in their or my yard, Monday, we ended up pelting our little siblings with cheese puffs xD. You have an airsoft? I have friends whose little brothers do. I have a pellet/bb gun, but my dad only lets me near it when we go camping. He thinks I'll end up shooting someone, As in one of my brothers..

    That sounds cool :D My parents will never leave me home alone with my siblings mostly because I'm the oldest, and none of them will listen to me, and and another reason is that there would be, five of them, and one of me..
    Hi! D'you know any other funny videos?
    It is a bit repetitive to say "The history of the trumpet reveals that over the years" since that is implied in "the history of". What do you mean by effective? In what ways? Play-ability? Transport-ability? There should be a comma after "especially in recent years."
    ah. sounds like a pretty relaxing day... :)

    We have to go get my husband another livescan done... at such and such lol... probably gonna clean up the house

    sure :)
    No, I have to do them within 90 days of arrival in SK...

    I am sure it's no big deal... but it is to me... cuz... i am like death scared of it... and yah... I also don't like being discriminated against because I am non-korean... lol... I'm not completely white! I have some Asian in me... should count in my favor :p
    Not because of Korea... but because of this:

    ※ After an applicant receives their alien registration card, the applicant must submit the Korean Health Medical Report within 3 months/ 90 days.
    Contents of Korean Medical Report: A drug test, (for narcotics), a TBPE (Tuberculosis) test, and an HIV/ AIDS test. (K4E note: The government also include a cannabinoid test (cannabis) test,in its requirement, but this was removed sometime in late 2008 or early 2009. However, in Spring 2009 it began talking about adding it again).

    I have a GIANT fear of needles/injections/etc...
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