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  • Nah it's alright, but thanks anyway:) I'll youtube things and look at the recommendations that way:D

    You like music an awful lot:D haha It's really awesome, I#ve always wanted to play either the piano or accoustic guitar:)
    OOOOH I'm now a model;) Well partly.... My friend's doing an art project at school and 'forget' to tell me that I'm modelling it..... She has to make a life-sized rabbit for some reason, so I have to get into a 'rabbit-like pose', get wrapped up in chicken wire so she can get my 'shape' or something-.- I only found this out today when I went with her to see her art teacher, she was just like Oh Sir, she's modelling it for me! Pffttt I can just tell I'm going to get scars-.- WOOOOO
    I'm an adult, so I can do mostly what I want. (withing reason.)

    ...yeah, it's rated R. It's actually not as bloody as most modern day horror films. It's actually fairly subtle....but I suppose you're concerned about the nudity. :p It is fantastic though, so if you ever do get the chance, you should see it. If you can handle it.
    JULY??? I used to finish in May! :p

    Skinny is the story of my life. Nothing seems to fit me!
    I can't even sleep past 11. (I get home from work at 11:30)
    Basically I have an awful sleep schedule. Don't be like me. :p

    I was watching The Shining, which is pretty much one of the greatest horror films of all time.
    I get them from here (there is a textures thread on here, use the search box to find it), from another Narnia forum the name of which I forgot, and DeviantArt. I also use Google a ton. :)

    I think there is a tutorial thread here on TDL, but I would suggest the Narnia forum recommended either at the beginning of the tutorial thread or the--- o wait.. I think its called Narnia Web. Thats the one with the textures and the tutorials.. :) I think...

    I use GIMP to make my graphics. I highly recommend it. It is a really amazing program, especially once you figure out how to use the program, and use the tutorials. :) I highly recommend GIMP if you are looking for a program. :)
    You should, it's awesome. ;)

    Here are four of my favorites. The sand one seems odd, but is a great add-on if you fade it enough, the map one is fascinating on the right kind of image, but looks weird on some, and the space ones work on a variety of things.


    Thankfully, I have an older sister who knows how to use it and can help me figure it out. ;)

    You're welcome!
    When I used picnik, all I could do was use the textures they had. I really liked a few of them, and got screenshots of them before picnik closed. Now that I use picmonkey, I can upload whatever texture I like, so I really ought to find some more. :p If you like, I can link you to the ones I regularly use, but I don't have any suggestions for a good site to look at. Hopefully I'll have more time this summer for graphic making, and will branch out in the texture department. :)

    Once I get GIMP, then I'll have an idea of how to manually do those effects, but right now I just use the toolbars on the website I use. (I think it's pretty similar to what you have on picasa.)
    Well I don't live near Ohio, but that sounds super awesome! Those are some good artists!
    In case you haven't noticed from my recent posts, siggie change etc, I am searching for "spidey codes" from Kellogg's cereal boxes, nutrigrain bar boxes, keebler cookies, cheezits, rice crispie treats, and anything else they're on. If you have any that you aren't gonna use, could you email them to me? Thanks if you do! But if you don't that's okay too!
    LOL as I read that I thought, "all in a week???"
    Who's going to be at the music festival? That sounds pretty sweet.
    Not somewhere where it's humid. I like Washington, honestly. Like today, it's warm and sunny. Really nice! Or New Zealand. Cause it's so beautiful there.
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