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  • He's a great guy. He seems to be the kind of guy I'd have to really get to know before we got to be good friends. She met him online last summer and they met in person for the first time in November. She's enamored with him and they both come from similar backgrounds.
    Good idea. You shouldn't forsake your friendship just because she's been a poor influence in the past.

    I imagine she will.

    I am going to be a camp counsellor for a week this summer! So I'm excited. :D Also, my sister is getting married in August:eek:, and I'll be a groomsman for her fiance.
    That's rough. I'll do my best to be polite to her and maybe she won't have much animosity toward me.

    I'm clear out of ideas right now, so PLEASE, if you have ideas, I can make them come to life, even if you don't want to use it.
    Hey! I watched the videos and they are hilarious! Thanks! :D
    It'd be so much easier if we had that! I'm always really cautious with downloading stuff cause our last computer died for whatever reason so we lost loads of photos and songs off of itunes:/ I keep reminding my dad to get some guy to try and get the photos back but he keeps forgetting.... yay

    Quite rubbish:/ We've been on holiday and - of course - the weather turns to utter rubbish, the week before it was awesome though:D All sunny so I could revise outside and go to the park, but this week I've only gone out with my friends a handful of times..
    And it's really not warm in Washington, where it is being stereotypical. Normally summer is really nice here, but not at the moment...
    And now I'm reeeeeally ready to be done. Just a few more days and Summer starts!
    It says I have to download something, I aint a fan of downloading things..... knowing my luck it'll be a virus, take up loads of memory or something.... wooooo -thanks anyway though:)
    I can't wait till my husband gets back from his walk... I just got out of the shower and was doing some thinking... Now I want to talk to him about it and get his opinion... :D
    of course... in the course of packing... i have been keeping my autoharp packed :p

    at least, since you are in band, you have accountability... I don't... it just me... and my husband reminding me... lol :p
    good good :p Now... if only I could find motivation to start practicing/teaching myself how to play autoharp... lol :p
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