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  • That sounds amazing! But I've just clicked on it and it says I can't go on it since I'm outside the U.S:/ Awkward - hahaa but it'd have been pretty cool
    I replied... if any of it comes off offensive... Try to remember that it is just my honest opinions and I am not trying to make you feel bad about anything. Just try to be respectfully honest. ;)
    Lecrae? Never heard of him. Well, I have to go babysit now.
    Well in my house, there's not a lot of it, but there's a Christian Radio station where I live, so I listen to that.
    I like everything except for heavy metal and rock. They're loud!
    Yes. In sixth grade they tested me for Algebra 1. Was the only girl who tested....
    It's okay! I OrningTime4. I'm not telling anyone my name, but my username does have something to do with me (as in favorite time of the day) You can call me Morning.

    I feel sad for you that you have tons of homework. Where I live school starts a month ealier tan other school and ends early. Sxhool ended a month ago. School was sort of easy. (I'm in the gifted program.)

    Yes, I am! Everyone here is so friendlu.
    I only know pandora as like a jewelry shop, I'm guessing it's a radio station maybe? hahaa I like diverse music, but maybe not that diverse:p
    Prizes are fun :D and so are friendly contests :D

    It is... I am like really nervous though cuz we have to get our blood drawn... and I am like deathly afraid of needles...
    yay way to go!!!!!!! :D :D

    ooo star wars lego fortress! super cool! :D

    It's been going pretty good. Got our paperwork sent out to Sk. When it gets back it goes to the consulate and then we are ready to go :)
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