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  • My week has been good. I have a job as a camp counselor this summer, but I won't be doing it until three weeks from now. Right now, I'm more focused on preparing for my study abroad class in England. I leave for England on Sunday, and I can't wait, even though packing is a pain, and airport security it always fun to go through:D

    How about you? Any summer plans?
    It's can be annoying when I recommend something that I'm pretty sure the person will like to someone who doesn't care about the suggestion, so I feel your pain.

    If the eye doctor thinks you'll be fine driving, I'm sure you will be, and it will be great if they find a way to fix the optic nerve in your lifetime.

    Cute pics. I love the Doctor Pepper t-shirt.
    I do have Pandora, and I love it. I also listened to Dominic Balli's music, and I love it, too. Yay! Another Christian artist for me to listen to, and one with a Jamaican beat. Life doesn't get much better than this:D

    I'm sorry that you suffered damage to your eye, but I do think that you'll be fine driving. (If you pay attention to what you're doing, you'll probably be a lot better than most of the boneheads on the road...) Driving will be great for you when it comes along.

    When you're away at college, there are a lot less chances to bug your parents, so you've got to take advantage of them now, lol.
    But you can talk to people aswell so it's quite a cool way to stay in touch with people and arange to meet up with them:)

    I've never really listened to it, I did a little bit last year in my music lessons when we were learning about Rastafarians and stuff - you?
    It's great that you love it so much, and thanks for the rocemmendation. I have to remember to try to find him on youtube.

    There are some really nice things about being able to drive, because it makes it easier to travel to the places you want to go and to do the things you ant to do without having to wait for a parent to transport you, and without inconveniencing a parent. It also makes it a lot easier to run daily errands. Of course, there are downsides to driving, too. When someone else does something silly, you can only be grateful that you were alert enough to compensate for their mistakes. But, on a whole, I enjoy being able to drive. It's definitely one of the benefits of being older that you can look forward to:D

    Right now, you get to bug parents whenever you want to go somewhere which is almost as good:D
    I haven't heard of Dominic Balli, but I'll have to check out his music. I love the beat of Carribean music, and I'd love listening to music that had that beat and was also Christian music.

    Sadly, I'm not near Ohio, but that festival does sound awesome, and I hope you have a great time at it and enjoy your airsoft game.

    It's good you enjoy being 14. I feel like the most important thing is to enjoy whatever age you are at at any given time, trying not to wish that you were older or younger. Sometimes that can be hard, but I think it makes a big difference in overall lifetime happiness!
    Sounds cool haha:) I don't go on it much though, mainly I prefer twitter as I can post what I want and be confident that not everyone can see it, like I only have about 4 people from school on it but on facebook it's like everyone school, friends, family:L
    A Christian music festival sounds awesome:D I love Christian music. Much better than the rubbish filled with curse words that the secular world tries to convince us is music nowadays. If I have to get songs stuck in my head (and I do always have songs stuck in my heads), I'd rather the lyrics be about praising God than about inappropriate behavior. Besides, Christian music lifts my spirit on the rough days.

    I'm going to study abroad in England and Ireland for two weeks starting this Sunday, and, when I get back, I'll be working as a counselor at a local summer camp.

    What about you?

    14 is a good age, even if it doesn't always feel like it, lol.
    Next time I get round to taking some photos I'll show you?:L Or whenever you get facebook you'll see all the ones I'm tagged in hahaa
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