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  • yeah.. he's my new bro... Loves him ! :) <3 .

    hahaha I better getto see you !! like.... SEE YOU !!
    YES. I love them. I have this great big red one.

    Yes I shall. Hey,sorry I didn't reply forever. I have a little problem,I'll PM you.
    Oh, that makes sense.
    I'll think of something. I kinda want to redo this one with color(the avi), but I really like it the way it is.
    Didnt work..... phuck .... hahaha.. so... me and tom.... er... bro and sis ? :D !! if .. ya know.. XD
    but she didn't? tisk tisk... oh well she sounds like she is already taken at the moment though, nay? :p hahahaha

    Having Forte be different also gives me a different perspective on things... and sometimes that's exactly what I need. :)

    do you change your avvy? It looks like the contrast is more intense. I like it :D
    ah... i have really only tried things off the dollar menu (poor fam lol)

    well... ya know... she probably appreciated having it back :p

    I had two friends who decided they liked each other... they had a lot in common... however, they seemed to have too much in common because they brought out each other's worst... being around them was kind of annoying... and they were a bit too clingy for my taste... so I think it might be better to be a bit more opposite...
    I am okay with the chicken sandwiches... I am just finding myself wanting to go more healthy now... lol... it's fine to have every once in a while though (I'm not against that)

    an Ipod touch? ah My husband just found one of those on the side of the road... no one claimed it on craigslist so he decided it was okay to keep it

    no, we haven't really got to decorate a home yet since we live out of suitcases right now... but he says that my hobbity design style is cute... so he is fine... eh... I'm not and Forte and I get along quite well... so... I think you don't need a perfectionist... you need someone to balance you out... ;)
    ah... just don't eat there too often, k? :p wait till you get home... take the money... but save your stomach :p I tried applying there before... they didn't hire me -.-

    It's funny cuz he likes things to be all like that... and I love odd numbers and non-geometric things... haha :p
    Yay! :D
    webcams are helpful... mine gets used a lot when I skype my boss in SK.
    A job? where at? fastfood? grocery store? That's good to hear.

    I showed Forte the pics you posted in your design thread. He is OCD and loves things to mirror image each other and geometric shapes and such... He pretty much fell head-over-heals for the ikea table picture you posted :p
    so, how has your day been going? You have new glasses, that is exciting. :) And you are... almost... done with your schooling...

    some of the new girls who joined are so nice! you should say hi! :D
    You better not... or I will... give you bad rep I guess... if even... just be really sad mostly, I suppose...

    haha I hate sunburns. Put some aloe on it... it helps :)
    lol... oh goodness... just don't let it go to your head... your cool and all that... but you won't be as much so if your head bloats :p jk
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