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  • I can't crack my parents.

    haha I never eat breakfast because I barf. Then my stomach makes chewbacca noises all day.

    Its...old. A very old house and it's very broken. It's purple and the paint is peeling,all sorts of stuff on it needs to be redone. It has a basement,an upstairs and a middle floor and the upstairs has no heating or AC. Sadly,that's where our bedroom is and it's FREEZING in winter and INFERNAL in summer.
    Basically it's a dump which is why we spend so many weekends working on it.
    We have an acre of backyard where our chickens and ducks are.

    sure,what's yours like?
    Currently, I am going to a local Christian fellowship while I wait for my documents to be done. However, I personally tend to be a bit more non-denominational/multi-denominational because I believe that their are good things and short coming of most prominent denominations (including protistent/anglican/catholic/presbiterian/etc). That's why I kind of like the Lausan document because it is many denominations presented trying to sort through what "christian" is.

    what about you and your thoughts? :)

    it made me make four separate posts o.0
    Oh, I think that Church (using the capital "c" on purpose) is endlessly important for anyone who professes to follow after Christ. Paul seemed to make it clear that "forsaking the communing of the fellowship" isn't the best idea. This is very deep topic that I could go on forever talking about. Discipleship, community, teaching, correction of doctrine, evangelism, social justice are all involved with being the Church. We talked about this subject a lot in my college theology courses... The Lausan documents have some pretty good things to say about this topic, in my opinion, that takes into account a broader Christian view. I also liked what portions of the "Lumen Gentim" had to say (you should like that one, it
    s Catholic).
    Further, I think worship is more than just song - it can involve anything we do that brings God glory and honor. I also really like the song "Maker of the Universe," I've never really heard it used congregationally, but think that it could be used in such a way.
    Gorgeous song, if you have never heard it, I would suggest giving it a listen on Youtube. Examples of newer church music I like are "Carried to the Table" by Leeland and "Beautiful Things" by Gungor.
    I used to enjoy it more when it was new to me... and before they changed it to "new facebook..." grr! Still mad they did that... three times... haha No, I don't doubt you will enjoy it. :) Ah Call of Duty... :p My brother and brother in law really liked that game... :p

    You want to be a realtor? that's awesome. I could see you doing that.

    I don't think Owl City is labeled Christian typically... But i really, really started respecting him as an artist when he started being honest about his convictions. so cool! :)

    Church music? hmmm... it depends on the song... not too interested in songs that come off as sounding "Jesus is my boyfriend" style (meaning you couldn't really tell they were about God instead of your boyfriend/girlfriend). I like both older and newer songs. "How Deep the Father's Love for Us" is gorgeous. So are a lot of the ones sang by Selah. I think that congregational music is just as important as non-congregational music.
    They think I'm an angel and even when they caught me for calling Charlie I got off really easy. I honestly expected way worse. Therefore judging how bad something is before you do it when there's no set rule is REALLY complicated in my house ><

    Yes,my metabolism is out of control. Now I'm starving again. WHY DO I STILL WEAR SIZE 0?

    Thursday I leave for Silver Dollar City :)

    Uh...I think we're just working on the house. OUr house is a mess.
    I really need to teach you how to step up your sneakiness game :p although I do usually get caught when I'm being Cocky as well.

    Nothing else really regarding him. I went shopping yesterday and bought a ton of stuff for our trip and then went to church for the first time EVER and then ate 6 tacos.

    Alright so since you're online today I might as well tell you I don't leave till Thursday :)
    Christians to be in other genres as well (like owl city and some other bands). If one is truely committed to living in a way that honors Christ their music doesn't have to be labled "christian" for others to see what one stands for. Any artists' work reflects what is important to them no matter what they label it as. Basically, I think that Christians should be creative, not just following pre-set rules of "how to make Christian music." lol
    haha i am still on tdl more than facebook... facebook isn't as fun as it seems, sadly. It's more fun when the people on facebook are there with you... weird? I know... What is COD?
    busyness stuff is good... very professional ;)

    lol... you and me both :p My husband and I were actually discussing "Christian" music last night. To me, it seems almost dangerous about placing oneself in the "Christian" genre unless you are really serious about making music that honors our Lord and Savior. It just seems like such a huge responsibility because by being in the genre, you are saying that you are identifying with what it is to be "like Christ." And, if one doesn't do so, it seems hypocritical. However, I also realize that we are all human and prone to failure through our sinful natures... I kind of think that it is appropriate for
    ah... that's understandable... my parents used to get upset with me being on too long as well ;) now as I get older... I realize that it would be a good rule to impose on my own kids in the future lol :p

    oh... you DON'T like polka gotcha wait... I'm confused... :p

    I was agreeing with you that praise and worship can be too cookie cutter at times :p lol
    Hey I posted pictures in my album of my new fancy shmancy ballroom dress X) And I've got my short hair in those pictures as well :)
    ............... tom will slap u again !!! .. why u grounded this time........... and i've called u ..... patrick testicles ;)
    It's my sister's 18th party tonight:L I got soaked in town though, it was Gay Pride so me and some friends went and got loads of random free stuff:L But there's a fountain in our town and we got soaked in it:L I got chased around the fountain by some like 17year old guys who were trying to soak me, then some fat chinese kid started splashing me and then two grown-men thought it was acceptable to follow me around kicking water at me-.- I was ready to kick some butt. My hair got soaked, my shoes were dripping along with my shirt and shorts-.-
    aww you bad boy. What'd you do now?

    Talk to you then.


    If you get this on Sunday the third,I am out of town in Silver Dollar city currently. I might be back by then,might not. I'm not sure,so,that's just where I am :) I'll post pictures of the trip okay? WE'RE GOING ON ROOOOLLER COASTERS!
    Also I have something fun to ask you about.

    Love you.

    I don't think she was being mean. BUT! She DID call me Josh Hutcherson...(He's a very ugly..mean looking actor) She says she likes my hair :p

    I might end up getting some onitsukas.
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