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  • I cut it off. He was just being selfish and possesive and wanted me back when he was so blind to what he's done. Took him long enough to go away ><

    Yes,yes you will. It always makes me mad because guys like you are PERFECT and the media just labels them as dorks and "undesirable." I'm like "STUPID GIRLS! THEY'LL TREAT YOU BETTER THAN SOME "HOT" BOY!" I really hate the media's standards of everything.

    haha yeah,you'll probably hear them soon. They were really obnoxious.

    oooh one of those over-emotional people. But they always make for a better video! :D

    I just got them all,I'm gonna read them after I get back from the pizza place okay?
    yes. :) I like peacefulness :p

    true true

    ... lady gaga.... her and her clones (katey perry etc) get on my nerves... so inappropriate...

    yes, praise and worship can be that way... thus why I am very selective... lol... I like to know the artists are being responsible and artistic... not just out to follow some sort of pre-made guidelines for making "Christian" music... after all... just because you make Christian music doesn't make you a Christian... though that's true of all things. God is ultimately the one who determines our standing before him...

    you like polka? haha my husband and I have a Bavarian cd that we like to play when we are driving in the car. :p
    Music? hmmm... I really love to listen to Leeland, Keith Green, Michael Card, Andrew Peterson, Celtic Woman, some Enya (her less cultic-esq stuff), and I have started listening to some Gungor. I also like Lotr, Narnia, Starwars, Disney... soundtracks.

    I am very picky when it comes to music. I like to listen to the same stuff over and over again. I am also picky in that I take the artists' character very seriously. I research them... try to determine if they practice what they preach... I think that media is one of the most influential things in our world. I want my media choices to be of good repute... which makes me extremely picky :p However, I do try to give other/newer artists a chance... they just don't always make the cut.

    You? (other than Lecrae :p)
    Poor Forte is uber stressed... it's a very difficult test... and expensive... sadly...

    ooo that's nice! :D how is the homework coming along? *mom look jk* How long has your sister been gone?
    hmmm more packing... writing for you korean employer... commiserating with my husband as he continues studying for the CSET tomorrow... and try not to complain about how much my back is hurting right now... lol

    Reagan and my brothers keep calling me a boy. But I'm wearing earrings!

    Yes they are quite awesome!

    Ok thanks! I'll check them out :)
    Ooooh. Exclusion. yeah that's painful. I've never really had more than one friend at a time before. These sisters savannah and katie used to have us over all the time but they started getting really obnoxious and preachy and then stopped coming to OUR parties. So many stories about them...

    awwww how cute! I love those surprise things.

    Maybe you should like...stop seeing them then. Sounds like they're always pissing you off...
    I know me too. I mean,even if he's over being mad,he was still mean to me after everything blew over! He was always like "don't reply to my tweets,stop talking to my girlfriend I have a life bla bla bla." So I was like FINE FORGET YOU THEN! That's why I left. If he hates me so much,I'm not gonna stick around to keep getting abused.

    most Girls are just stupid these days just remember that. I think I told you that in the world's book,you're a geek. I hate this episode of hannah montana especially. There was this super sweet guy(who kind of looked like you) who wanted to ask her to the prom and he brought her flowers and everything but JUST BECAUSE HE WAS SKINNY SHE WOULDN'T GO WITH HIM. >< Stupid.
    So like,don't take it that personally when a girl laughs at you or anything. You're too good for them anyway.
    ah don't worry about it... girls are just giggly sometimes :p

    it's okay haha

    no, you hadn't told me that. Did she go for missions or pleasure or school? that's super awesome! :D
    Yes there is. I just find it funny how he came crawling back when obviously he couldn't stand me still. What did he want?

    No you don't. JK Rowling wrote Harry Potter in a ditch. For real. You have to be born with it. If you're exceptional,you'll go places.

    OOoooh yeah the mass. How'd that go? I have work again all day tomorrow but I got here early so I get to stay up for a few hours.

    A rant? Okay :) Feel free to burn my inbox up. I can actually take it...
    What perverse thing did those boys do now?
    I dont like people, and i dont like noise.... so.. i wouldnt be able to do that.. idk if my PM went through.. so just send me another one... :p
    Well like 3 or 4 people commented on my hair today. It got cut like...REALLY really short! I'll post a picture later :)

    My pajamas I got have watermelons on them :p
    I love super mario bros!

    Well I just need really nice shoes that will be good for walking around a lot..
    I WAS at work all day. I hadn't left yet.

    Yes it certainly was to play. I have wild mood swings involving Aspergers too but I explain myself at least geez...

    He just knows you exist. He thinks you're made up though because you're not on the same circuit. Idiot xD

    I DO. But with Twilight existing and all,you don't really need College to be one anymore. My mom just wants me to move out and get married so...whatever I guess.

    It's very nice. I listened to it before I went to bed.
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