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  • I'm just sitting here waiting for the letter...

    Facebook(as you will learn) is not all it's cracked up to be actually. And it's actually way more dangerous than TDL.

    What would you study in college? Wait,don't tell me,graphic design? Half of my dad's employees have that degree. Turns out it was actually worthless or something :/

    Punk shows are hardcore...
    Yes $90! It is awesome! It's red with poka-dots :)
    Only 9 more days now!
    Poor girls who are bigger (like me) and still have to wear monokinis and bikinis and triangle bikinis and etc. Seriously whenever I look at magazines that say "Swimsuits for every body type!" they just mean for body types below size 4
    Sooo.....What have you been up too? Anything awesome!? I get to take this class this summer about stage makeup. Like how to make people look scary and old...and stuff like that :D
    Maybe...he's like..god. It's just so funny to watch him writhe. He's like "don't expect me to get on my knees and beg to get back into your life." and I'm like "uhh..when you cut me off,I healed and moved on. WHO'S BRINGING THIS UP? YOU NOT ME! HAHAHA!" Sorry it's just ridiculous.

    I'm supposed to be doing math right now...

    Wait...STEREO HEARTS TOO? daaaang I'm really jealous now. Me and my sister play all the mainstream stuff like all the time in the car. EVERYTHING'S OUR JAM. Oooh I hope you have fun with that! I'm gonna see Owl City again in the fall. Hahah mosh pit. Ever been to a punk show with a mosh pit? BLOODY NOSES EVERYWHERE. With snot in it...ewww
    Yes. He's supposed to "explain" something to me later today but if he's gonna just keep blaming me for his actions that I HAVE NOTHING to do with,ahh lord help me.

    So are you almost done with school for the year?

    I still can't get over they played Super Bass at your dance >< I remember thinking to myself "awww I wish I could've gone. They could've played super bass!" and they did! That song is my jam...
    Okay that makes more sense now :) Thank you for explaining it.

    Yeah it was weird. You were all little and wearing this geeky sweater. I woke up thinking it was real and I was like "wait...his brothers aren't adopted." I had this really weird one about Adam one time too. Just weirdness ><

    Yeah it's hilarious. He's still hung up on me and is trying to blame stuff on me still so I get to give him a taste of his own medicine :p
    Yeah,they ship Hawkeye with Black Widow really hard. Their ship name is Clintasha(amalgomation of clint and natasha.) I got a couple ship names to...

    You're not really explaining it. I've never been to a Protestant service either mind you,I don't know what you do....

    btw,I had this really weird dream last night that I was going to this One Direction concert(boy band,I can't STAND them) and you came over to my house randomly with your family except for you had three black adopted brothers and you were super short and your voice hadn't dropped yet. IT WAS SO WEIRD.
    If you keep an open mind, yes.

    It isn't written by Christians, so it's not entirely Biblically accurate, and whether or not Christ is God is kind of left ambiguous. It can go either way, depending on what you believe yourself. I know Christians who like it, but I also know Atheists who enjoy it. It's interesting because it doesn't portray Judas as evil, more like a guy who ended up doing something terrible.

    The music is (mostly) really good. It's 70's style rock music.

    Here's Judas' first song

    Again, it's from Judas' point of view (and he is wrong. He completely misses the point of Jesus, which is what makes his story so tragic).

    I'm babbling but what I like about it is that Jesus is played as very human. I guess, as someone who isn't sure of what she believes, it makes him more real to me.

    However, I'll bet you anything your parents wouldn't approve of it.
    She probably did. I can't wait to wear my swimsuit because there is a pool where we're staying. My swimsuit cost $90.00 off of Modcloth.com Because all the swimsuits at Wal*Mart are tiny lil string bikinis. Ya'know the ones that don't cover anything?
    OOOOH wait! no! I know what you're talking about! I saw that in the christian magazine once. I cried during Return to Me. That story is so sweet...

    Yeah it is. The Avengers ships are crazy...

    Ooooh okay. What is mass exactly? That's the one thing I am confused about. Like...what do you do? I just keep imagining a MASS amount of people in a room.
    October Baby? I'll have to watch that :p I cried during the Hunger Games and Dumbo. I've been a lot less tight lipped about stuff like that. There was this book about some girl called charlotte once I read...tears everywhere.

    Okay,this is strictly a tumblr thing. When someone or something has a fandom,they automatically start pairing characters or people together in what's called a ship. Eventually the ship turns into an OTP which means Only True Pairing. So when you say you "ship" a couple or "ship" someone with someone or something,that means you think they're a cute couple and want them to go out. We've been shipped by like...everybody.

    Oh okay. How does that work? What did you mess up?
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