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  • I don't know either okay? She says I'M snobby and that I think everything I do is perfect. NO. I feel HORRIBLE. I think everything I do is wrong because she makes me feel that way! But nooo tell her that and I'm just making excuses. There's no other answer than to cry because I can't react any other way but that just aggravates it.
    I have a complicated relationship with her...

    My dad cries...sometimes. He's all tough and stuff but he had to kill our two roosters the other day and he felt so bad about that. He also cried when our dog died. He's secretly a softy :p

    Yeah,they ship me with everybody though. Like that Logan kid. He still owes me dinner though because that joke was hilarious.

    I know! They got rid of the Catherine Tate Show and That's So Raven. I love Raven Symone,she's like Lucille Ball for our generation.
    My mom confuses ME so much. I can't crack her and she can't crack me. I just sit in dormancy until I'm 18. Then my dad said I can do whatever I want. I mean,I'm not busting drugs etc. Just...THINKING FREELY.

    Haha. There are a lot of older people with the name Reagan Ingram. Usually my dopplegangers aren't similar in that way though.

    Yeah,I think there was more crying about other things involved too. When I bottle it up too long it starts to make me snappy. I have to empty it sometimes.

    IT'S HILARIOUS. See that's why I can't talk to girls about stuff. They're just like "aww but you're so cute together!" and I'm like >< not the point...

    My mom just really bugs me how she wants to get inside my brain and make me think everything she does when POSSIBLY. MAYBE I WANT PRIVACY.

    No,that attitude wasn't towards religion,it was just in general. I just feel like the ugly duckling or black sheep because I think differently,wether I want to or not.
    Sometimes I would pretend that I was a switched-bassinet baby and I was actually from England and the REAL Reagan Ingram lived my real parents there. Aren't I a sneaky story teller?

    Anyway...I kind of forgot about what I was going to ask you about religion because I kind of cried my soul out and my brain's all empty but if I remember what it was,I will come ask you :) Thanks.

    Ahhh damnit...girls are shipping us again. *just checking my tumblr..*
    I DON'T WANT YOUR RED BOX OF EVIL! You have cable?

    Ugh. I always want to puke if there's sour milk from a sippy cup sitting in the sink. That stuff is GROSS.

    You like that song? For some reason my mom thinks it's cheesy. I like it though. Not a favorite,but I like it :)

    Charlie just started randomly talking to me again today...like...remorsefully. I told him I was still on the edge with him and he said "and you have every right to be." SOMEONE'S GONNA GET AN APOLOGY TODAY.
    Okay so what I was gonna say about religion:

    Ever feel like people treat you like you're just too young to know what you're talking about,therefore don't know ANYTHING? Because that's why I don't like talking about these subjects with my mom as much because I'm just a little kid in her eyes and I can't express my own opinion without immediately being shot down. I feel just as moved and convicted as anyone else. Why does it matter how old I am? Don't 5 year olds see heaven and what not?
    I'm starting to feel treated like a baby and it's leaking out into my beliefs because I'm not really encouraged to be my own person. I have to invent that but then it gets me branded as a sass or a loner ><
    the dumb commercials always show this lady in a green sweater suit with a red box. I want to punch her in the face every time.

    Cleaning bathrooms isn't that bad...at least toddlers don't rub poo all over the walls(trust me,this has happened before.) I cleaned bathrooms at my dad's press until we were older and got to do other work. It's always nice to have extra money. I always sit on mine for awhile and then dole it out as the month goes by. I'm actually working again this thursday and friday to buy clothes for our trip.

    I wish you luck on that :)
    Yes. The awful scourge of mother nature ><

    McDonalds hires at 14? For real? Way to go! Haha I still make way more money than you do when I work at the screen press :D MAKE ME FRENCH FRIES. Anyway,I've noticed this a lot lately. People always thinks boys are just slackers but all the ones I know are like desperate for work! They WANT a job. My friend Scott's 15 and he's all stressed because he's trying to apply for one. I think they should be letting teenage boys get jobs and give them more opportunities for them. Less time for them to get in trouble you know?

    Good for you though! I hope it works out :) McDonalds actually pays really well if you move up and work in a really fancy one...
    Jesus Christ Superstar

    and singing along.

    Nothing like a good musical about Jesus to brighten a dull day!

    oh man, that sounds weird.

    Oh well. I like it a lot, though.
    My week went badly because my dad found out about Charlie and my mom's doing that thing where she can't handle my sensitivity.

    BUT in 9 days I'm going to silver dollar city(it's a theme park) so that's awesome :D Hopefully I can actually swim though...lady problems sometimes get in the way..ehh..
    Well, my car is leaking coolant so it's being fixed, and I have a college advising meeting on Wednesday...
    other than that, nope.

    when do you finish school?
    I might do that:p make themdo it while I watch:D
    I did that milk challange, but my body wouldn't let me bring it back up-.- So I've just had a killer stomach ache since saturday:/ All these lads came and watched us (but my friends knew them so it was okay) and I kept giving one of them my milk so he was just as bad as me:L They all kept making gagging noises at us so we'd all gip:/ Not a pleasent experience but one of the funniest days I've had in a while:L
    How'd your dance go?! Seen the photos on Share a Pic, but I'm way too lazy to reply:L It looked like fun:D Exept your dancing partner doesn't seem to own any shoes(; As you do.... But you and your sister looked really nice:)
    They are VERY fun! I shot the target twice tonight. Well I guess I won't hear from you in a while since you're going on a hiatus because of reasons. BYE! For...Now?
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