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  • Okay :)

    oh so what did you decide? I like your curls. I think you should let them get a tad longer though so there's a little more volume. Kind of like Sherlock(from the new BBC show.) They form better with volume. I learned that the hard way...
    You can do that :) BK wanted my pictures with my dress for manipulation. I'M A MODEL. Lol,yeah.

    Hey if you're on late,I'll talk to you in a little while okay? My mom wants our laptop to watch some Rifftrax with us. So,I'll see those graphics in a little bit okay? :D Bye!
    I wanna see inception REALLY badly :)

    Sorry I didn't reply,my gramma was on the phone and then I had to do dishes...
    I like psychological thrillers,somewhat creepy movies,some fantasy,dance movies,the occasional chick flick but mostly comedy. For some examples,I love Coraline. The book had NOTHING on the movie. The movie was so creepy and well thought out and PERFECT.
    I like the live peter pan,Step Up 3D,Back to the Future. The thrillers are the movies I WANT to see though.

    hey my grammas on the phone so I gotta go for a minute...
    Boys always start showing off for me at one point or another :)

    I have a list :) my two tops are Scott Pilgrim vs the World and It's Kind Of A Funny Story.
    Omg you show off. Do you plan on being a master of puberty then? Adam young was a scrawny thing and then he was our age and now he's super smexy. Girls call boys' ugly duckling transformation "mastering puberty" :D

    No I haven't seen batman. I should though...
    psssh skinny boy. You should see my guns :D No seriously. I have man arms. Arms are nice though. I'm usually one for twigs.

    ouch. Yeah,the "gremlin" types are hard because if their parents catch you fighting you'll get the "well you're bigger so you should know better" thing pulled on you.
    hahah this kid was mad. I was like "mwahaha ADD THAT TO THE LIST!" I have this list of accomplishments. So far I only have 3 things on it: beat a boy at arm wrestling,make the biggest sour puss I've ever met laugh,and make a boy feel like crap for making me cry.

    I am pretty strong though. We'll have to go a couple rounds :D

    Yes,she's really over-dramatic. One time she was laughing sarcastically and me and hazel said "oh cool! you sounded just like spongebob!" Because she did! Its a hard laugh to mimic. We thought it was cool,we didn't say it mean. So she threw her shoes at us. Boots. WITH WOODEN HEELS. AGHH!
    Another time she tried to strangle me because I said I didn't like the Jayhawks mascot. Freak.
    Not if you read parenting magazines..sounds like a brutal place there. I heard my cousin punched out this kid named charles on the bus a week ago and I was like "WHICH CHARLES? WHERE WERE YOU AND WAS HIS GIRLFRIEND'S NAME NOLAN?" It made me laugh.

    Yes. right in the kisser. I beat this boy in an arm wrestling contest once and he was all dethroned and ashamed xD The only problem is this LITTLE LITTLE girl(not in age,just size) likes to tackle me so I'm like...crap. I can't throw her off,she's littler.

    ALGEBRA. My cousin is public schooled and since he's born in february,he's in high school already. I guess they put him on medication because he got panic attacks from getting bullied.

    I'm not scared of bullies anymore. Girls are nasty online and I cut 'em down but if we were to get physical in real life...omg they better be running...
    OOOOOH Okay. Yeah,I've never done that. My mom isn't as serious with our school right now because my brothers are distracting and she mostly just lectures us like in College. Next year she said it's gonna be harder...*gulp*
    Purple is the gay color though which sucks. It's more masculine when it's darker. When it's neon you're in trouble. I mean heck,in ancient rome the senators and other important people were the only ones ALLOWED to wear purple.

    what are these notes you keep talking about? for my school, I just read what the book says and answer the questions in a notebook...
    Haha I wear enough to go through about a stick a week :p

    NO! Pink makes guys look gay. Purple is cool,like mace windu or something. Don't listen to him,it looks fabulous :)
    You look really good:D I like the purple shirt, it just brightens the whole thing up:)
    Ohh I get it:L Sound so much fun:L hahaha
    I'll send it after I lay my brother down for a nap. I'm on my mom's iPod right now. I have to get to the laptop...
    So what've you got to wear?:D
    It's just normal milk and you put food colouring in it:D We've got teams ready and everything:p Me+Dionne are blue:D
    Are saltine crackers just regular crackers? It's supposed to get all sticky isn't it? So like you can't move your mouth or something
    I will :)

    Yeah,it's rather hard to talk to them. I've just become tolerant about it. Yeah,if you're interested I'll shoot you a PM about it.

    Yeah. My did used to skateboard all the time and his friend Dan owns a skate shop so that's why we're going :)
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