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  • you would've hated me then. I was the immature one who caused trouble most of the time and ran wild tags. But now they think I'm mature so I'm like...urm..okay then.

    Ocean Eyes was his big breakout thing. I loved the cover especially. I wanna visit the Burj Al Arab now.

    My rap I'm downloading are old Nicki mixtapes. You said you had to buy some lecrae and I was saying I wasn't buying mine because they were never released for sale.

    yes. I don't mind :p

    AGHHH! I hate it when kids have all these locks on their computers. It filters out the good stuff WITH the bad stuff. Its annoying. At least you don't have nanny-cam though...
    The friend I mentioned who got me to share my name online, he's not active anymore since he's been in Texas at a training camp for about five months now.
    yo,I put together something on Polyvore. I made a flat bill look cool:
    All I know is it feels really weird when Zella or D will randomly decide to call me Elizabeth on here, I'm still not used to it because no one ever did it besides Garth. XD
    me too. I used to do that when I was 12 because my mom wasn't so freaky then. But that's when I used to stalk ben barnes :p

    I miss his dreaminess too. I LOVED Maybe I'm Dreaming. That's my favorite album. I do appreciate his masculinity though. Now nobody can call him gay anymore...

    I didn't buy this rap because it's not for sale anywhere. It was never released. So I had to download them from a youtube-mp3 converter. I hate it when I fall in love with unreleased music >.<

    Well if you ever need to rant,just feel free to shoot me an email. I'm here all day. My friend Ginny sends me these long emails ranting about Taylor Swift sometimes. I enjoy those.

    I can't save you from history notes....because I HAVE THEM TOO.
    Yeah,don't feel pressured to be on TDL all the time though. Sometimes it's good to take a breather when you're busy. You sound like you're going road runner level trying to do stuff :)

    Oh do you like the EP? I only Like Gold and Dementia so far.

    I wish it could be real too. People always need me but I can't really do anything about it and I feel sad.

    Yes,rap is good. I've been adding to my own collection of old mixtapes...
    Soo.... My cough is no better... -__- its making me mad now.. and mom wont take me to see a doctor.
    Well everyone tells me that Elizabeth fits me and that is fairly true but I just always wanted a nickname. ;)
    Hey,you seem stressed and mad right now and I feel like I'm making it worse and I'm annoying you. I'm sorry I'm so wordy :(

    Don't read these two PMs I sent you awhile ago marked My Mom parts I&II because I'd rather not add to your stress right now.

    Unless you feel like letting it out and ranting,I won't pry. Sorry if you're in a bad mood. Here's a hug,if it helps *hugs* (>' - ')>
    We have a dirt pile that's basically dust now XP
    No we won't be able to go on ANYTHING at all! Well...Unless I sneak on my iPod >:]
    Well it's NOT a fashion design site because people make interior decor collages too.

    Yeah it sucks. I'll tell you about her later.

    EXACTLY. Although,I wonder if when we're parents,we'll forget and then our kids will have some other reason to hate us...
    Pray that never happens. My mom really gets on my nerves. I feel that's why I'm so rebellious right now. Just tugging on the chain...
    Polyvore isn't gender specific dude. You just click create a set,go through the categories and...well you're smart. You should figure it out. Here's the link: Polyvore.com

    I know. I'm done talking to my mom as of late. She just keeps DOING stuff. I can't talk to her or be myself around her because she makes every conversation a guilt trip etc. THEN she turns around and acts like I can come to her if I have a problem. :rolleyes: I'm like "uhh...there's obviously a reason why I don't already do that." >.<

    Yeah same. My kids won't have to wear masks around me...
    Hyper.. I feel bad :( everyone is writing you long ass messages and all i write you is a few lines :(
    hahaha uh-oh...

    2 acres... fun... yard work... my favorite :p

    just got out of the shower... yay... i love it when my hair is soaking wet... for hours... :p
    Wow that seems like some hard work. I like to dig holes though...I start to think deep thoughts when I do....Lol
    Well My mom is all like "You can't go on any forums or the internet at all this summer, you'll have to stop socializing with your friends on the internet just for the summer" And me and Reagan are just like,"Seriously?" Because we only go on the internet at night and when she says we can...And in real llife I only have 2 friends! She wants us to do more things things summer or something. But what did we do last summer? I took archery lessons we went swimming almost every week. I took sewing lessons and a lot of other things! Well whatever...I guess I'm just saying goodbye incase my mom takes away my computer before I can later.
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